Chapter 222: Nornesh

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Somewhere in Serisis,

10:00 p.m. 19th Banem 1092.


Several beasts looked up in confusion as a lightning bolt zipped across the landscape faster than the human eye could track, a long tail, the only sign of its passing. Curiously, a flaming ball was attached to the horse by a thin mana construct shaped like a tether rope, keeping with the latter's pace.

If one got close enough, they would have been shocked to find the lightning bolt was actually a magnificent kirin with a daeben riding on its back. Whereas the fireball turned out to be a protective shell housing a halben who sat within with a tight expression.

Kashi's brows were knit together in a troubled expression. He could not get Lunette's face from his mind. For a moment there, she was genuinely terrified when he reached for her. She had tried in the end to make him feel better, but he saw through her façade. She was still wary of him, and he had no idea how long it would take for things to return to normal.

Kashi sighed as he shook his head and then turned his attention to the wasteland ahead. According to the coordinates he got from Brock, he should be approaching Nornesh, the Divine Dragon's territory right about...


Drixlia suddenly jerked to the side as the land beside them brilliantly exploded. Kashi's eyes narrowed as he observed the giant crater left behind. If they were caught in that explosion...

Kashi shivered but did not have time to process his shock, as his eyes were instantly drawn to the sky, where a host of mandalas suddenly appeared. Almost simultaneously, a powerful deep voice, like gravel and grinding stone, rung out in both Kashi and Syèl's heads.

"Go back. The next shot will not miss."

Kashi's eyes shone with delight. Indeed! They had entered Nornesh's territory. Only a Divine Dragon could possess the mana reserves required to call mandalas on this scale without being physically present. The daeben, not daring to take this lightly, took out Ferulic's Practice Bow and carefully nocked an arrow. He then looked at the fireball, which silently pulsed as if sending an agreement.

Kashi nodded and then, without saying another word, spurred Drixlia into a mad sprint towards a host of mountains in the distance.

"Foolish." The voice sounded both disappointed and angry as several thousand mana bolts shot to the ground from the mandalas.

Kashi's gaze turned sharp as he stared at the incoming salvo. Knowing the dire consequences of getting hit, he allowed Drixlia to run by its own judgment, raised his bow to the sky, and then shouted, "Syèl!"

"Hmph!" Syèl irritatingly snorted as he raised his right hand. "Stop!"

Following his shout, several mana bolts crashed into a translucent mana shield that appeared several dozen meters above them. CRASH! However, Syèl coughed up blood as the bolts smashed through the shield with ease.

Syèl's gaze instantly turned severe, the laxness gone. He now knew he could not handle this so easily. As a result, he raised his second hand to the sky, and then, once more, shouted, "STOP!"

This time, a much thicker shield appeared above them. The mana bolts promptly smashed into the shield but did not manage to break through, resulting in massive explosions that turned the night into day. Despite his success, Syèl's brows knitted in fury and worry as cracks began appearing on the shield. It could not contain the constant bombardment.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the shield shattered to pieces.

Syèl's gaze narrowed, and, after a short pause, he made up his mind and suddenly shouted, "Change of plans. Get Ready!"

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