Chapter 234: Convincing General Adachi

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Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.

8:43 p.m. 23rd June 2043.

A middle-aged maid warily looked at the Full-Dive Capsule before her. The miss did not appreciate being disturbed while she was gaming, but this was an urgent issue. As such, she did not hesitate to push the 'Summon' button on the capsule. That sent a message to the gamer, requesting them to logout. There was a more severe, 'eject' option, but she did not have enough lives to risk pushing that button.

Five minutes later, the Full-Dive Capsule's lid slid open with a low hiss, revealing Adachi Ayumi in a sports bra and shorts. The young woman's eyes opened and then swiveled to the maid. "Ah. Mrs. Tokoyami. I trust my father is home?"

"Yes, miss. He is."

"He wants to see me, does he not?"

Mrs. Tokoyami nodded. "Miss, your father requests your presence. He awaits you in his study."

"Study, is it?" Ayumi sat up and then walked out of the capsule. "He changed the location. This must be serious." She took off her clothes and then stepped into the shower. The cold water chilled her skin, momentarily letting her forget all her obligations. "Did something happen recently? While I was in school, or in the game?"

"I'm not certain, miss." Mrs. Tokoyami thought back to the past couple of days. "Master Adachi has been leaving the house more frequently lately. But nothing else major."

"Hmm? No visitors?"

"AH!" Mrs. Tokoyami's eyes went wide in shock! "There was one! A blonde foreigner came to visit the other day. Two days ago, I think it was."


"Yes. He didn't spend too long, so I almost forgot." Mrs. Tokoyami shivered as she recalled the scene. "I have never seen Master Adachi so angry. He seemed like he would kill that man if he had the chance."

Ayumi frowned. "Blonde man." She recalled how Suzuki complained about a blonde man at Genaco. Always called him a blonde idiot or gold devil, amongst countless other creative insults. That's right... If she recalled correctly, his name was, "...Shouyou James?"

"Shouyou!" Mrs. Tokoyami clapped with delight. "That's it! His name was Shouyou! Master Adachi called his name when he shouted him out of the compound."

"Father shouted?" Ayumi dried her body with a towel as she stepped out of the toilet. She regarded Mrs. Tokoyami with disbelief. "Are you certain? I have never seen him raise his voice."

Mrs. Tokoyami patted her chest and heavily sighed. "I know. It gave me quite the fright."

"Hmm..." Ayumi thought about her father's strange actions. Shouyou James. Did he have something to do with Suzuki's disappearance? No, it was almost inevitable that he played a part. After all, Shouyou only showed up after her father agreed to search for Suzuki. He must have rustled the right feathers to draw this man out of hiding.

'But why would Father get into a heated argument with this Shouyou? It's not like him to lose his temper.'

Ayumi needed to get to the bottom of this. Thankfully, she had already been summoned. She would use this opportunity to gain some answers. Having made up her mind, she quickly got dressed in a formal shirt and loose, black pants. Her father's study was something of a business room. Whenever he summoned Ayumi there, it was for serious negotiations, beyond the simple boundaries of a father and daughter. 'Well, not that we've ever been that.'

"This is good." Ayumi tied her hair in a bun, eyes steely with determination. "I needed to talk to Father anyway."

Mrs. Tokoyami's eyes widened. "You don't mean?"

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