Chapter 126: My Revolution (1)

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Rine's Bar

Several hours and a lengthy discussion into the complex world of finance later, the merchants stood at the door to Rine's bar, each consumed by their dreams and visions of what promised to be a much brighter future.

Coop, Frye, and Fox expressed their appreciation to the chesch, then met up with their respective entourage, eager to get to work on establishing the empire they envisioned. Backed by Damah Dumm's money and name, there was little chance of the rouge merchants not joining up if they did not want to be left behind.

Of course, a large part of this Union's existence still depended on the quick transportation methods proposed by the Hopeful Maggots. When the Maggots brought them to fruition, no merchant with half a brain cell would refuse to enter the Union.

Miote watched the merchants leave, a satisfied smile masking the relief he felt inside. Of all the assignments the young man had carried out in his life, this task of watching Suzuki Mato had proved to be the most challenging of all. It frequently kept him on his toes and demanded quick thinking to adapt to the craziness that was Mato's alter ego. 'Well, I suppose that is why it is also so much fun.' Miote snickered to himself.

Miote turned to the only guest left, the man who had made this meeting much easier than it ever could have been, Damah Dumm. Unlike the other merchants who had scores of guards awaiting them outside, there seemed to be no one waiting for the esteemed great merchant. Miote smiled and then held out his hand as he said, "I trust this was not a waste of your time?"

"No, quite the contrary actually," Damah amicably said, taking the chesch's hand in a firm grip. "This has been quite the eye-opener. My horizons have been broadened beyond my wildest imaginations." He paused, a hesitant look in his eyes. "I will provide whatever monetary assistance you require. I only ask one thing of you."

"Speak your mind," Miote encouraged. So far, despite Damah Dumm's considerable wealth, he had shown himself to be a man of humble character and virtue. As a result, the chesch had formed a good impression of the mertian. Miote doubted he would make untoward requests.

Damah, Dumm nodded. "Wealth, like you said, is indeed a great thing, giving man increasing choices of wants the richer he is." His gaze turned grave. "But at the same time, it is the most deadly virus, infecting all who get a taste without fail. Very few are immune to its plague; even less can be cured after being consumed by greed."

Damah Dumm's expression softened, a small smile spreading as the heavy sounds of massive flapping wings closed in on them. However, neither man paid heed; their attention focused on their conversation. "Something tells me you are one of those immune to its virus. Which is why I can ask this of you." The ground trembled slightly as the wings' owner dropped to the earth and walked up to the two men. "When this Union grows large and successful, as the guild with the highest shares, I ask that you ensure the interest of the common man remains one of our topmost priorities."

Miote spared a glance at the massive griffin next to Damah. The beast was majesty in every sense of the word, from its royal blue gaze to the way it carried itself with pride, neck straight, gaze looking down at the chesch as it would a maggot upon the road. The chesch's lip curved upwards as he praised, "Impressive beast." His gaze returned to Damah as he promised, "As long as I live, I will ensure we do not become consumed by greed."

Damah took the griffin by the reins and hopped onto its back. He grinned down at the chesch as he said, "Considering how long the records claim you Summoned live, I should have nothing to fear, at least in this lifetime." He fished into a set of bags hanging by the saddle and took out a bunch of badges. He picked three from the pile and tossed them to the chesch.

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