Chapter 19: Leila the Hunter

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Hunters' Brotherhood Training Centre,

7:53 a.m. 15th Peniel 1091.

Kashi sat in the Training Centre's common room, which doubled as the reception, and lounged, immersed in his books. Kira lay next to him, eyes shut as she enjoyed a rare rest. Serti sat opposite the daeben, sharpening a set of arrows with a whetstone while Bert, as usual, rested at the table, deep in sleep. Over by the bar, Yugo prepared beverages for the group. An atmosphere of pure bliss and tranquility suffused the room, embarrassing curious souls who wandered into the building.

Yugo walked over and placed the prepared drinks on the table and then looked up as a beautiful female wisben walked into the building with a longbow slung over her shoulder. The wisben was dressed in a body-fitted, light-green leather shirt, pants, and boots. Her chest and arms received further protection from hardened leather half-chest armor and armguards. The wisben's sleek, black hair was tied into a long ponytail that reached all the way to the back of her knee.

Serti also caught her approach. His lips parted to a welcome grin as he greeted, "Ah, good morning, Leila-chan."

"Morning, Serti," the young woman returned the greeting as she joined Serti and company at the table. Yugo returned from the bar and placed a mug in front of her. "Thanks, Yugo," Leila said with gratitude as she took a sip of the refreshing juice. Leila's brows jumped when she noticed the daeben engrossed in his book. She called out his name with doubt, "Cashy?"

Kashi did not reply, wholly enraptured by the theories discussed in the book. He had not even realized someone had entered the room.

"Don't take it to heart," Serti soothed. "He gets like that once he has a book in his hands."

"I'm fine. I had a friend who did that a lot," Leila revealed as she took a sip from the juice. She closed her eyes as she relished in its exceptional taste.

"What brings you back here, Leila-chan?" Yugo asked as he took a seat of his own around the table. "Last we saw you, you said you were headed to Grissa Crags."

"Yes. I did go there, but the monsters were too strong for only me," Leila lamented, brows drawn together in pain.

"So you need a party then?" Serti asked.

Leila shook her head. "One competent partner I can trust my back to is enough. I managed to clear the cave, but my health was too low by the time I reached the boss." She clenched her fists, upset by her own incompetence.

"You did well enough to clear the cave by yourself. Grissa Crags usually requires well-balanced parties," Serti soothed. "As for someone competent to accompany you..." He turned to Kashi with a hot gaze that seemed to burn through the book. Yugo and Leila also directed their gazes at the daeben.

It started with a little twitching, but then sweat broke out on his face as Kashi began to feel more and more uncomfortable. Eventually, the daeben gave up. He placed the book on the table and questioned, "May I inquire as to why you all regard me so?"

"We would like you to accompany the lady to Grissa Crags," Serti said.

Kashi looked from him to the female wisben and was met by the coldest pair of green eyes he had ever seen. He had never thought green could be such a chilling color. However, his unease did not show on his face as he greeted, "My name is Kashi. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm Leila Lightwood. You can call me Leila," Leila introduced, extending her hand, which he took in a firm grip. "I'm a level 35 Hunter. You?"

"Level 20. Undecided," Kashi replied.

"I'm sorry. Undecided? What does that mean?" Leila questioned with shock in her eyes.

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