Chapter 229: Fancy a Date?

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Somewhere in Serisis.

00:35 am. 21st Banem 1092.

31 Days to World's End.

Drixlia huffed as it absent-mindedly dug at the bare ground. The kirin was bored out of its mind, but it could not risk leaving its current position. Every now and then, a curious or foolhardy monster would attempt to draw near, but most times, a well-placed lightning bolt was sufficient in chasing them away. Luckily, this was not a high-leveled area, so barring any unfortunate miracles, there was no chance of any local monsters overpowering it.


A crack in the ground drew Drixlia's attention. The kirin harrumphed with excitement as the tear slowly widened until a hand broke through. Kashi emerged from beneath the ground with a slight frown. He had no choice but to bury his body underground to prevent the local wildlife from treating it as lunch. But, it did not take away the unpleasantness of awaking to a dust-covered body.

Kashi sighed and futilely dusted himself off. "Thanks, Drix." Kashi patted the kirin with a grateful smile. Burying his body was not complete insurance. Some beasts had excellent smell, and bad luck was something he genuinely feared. So, he had Drixlia guard his body. It was a tedious job, but the kirin completed it nonetheless.

Meanwhile, the monsters who had gathered around Drixlia, awaiting their chance, dispersed upon sensing the daeben's power. They only dared confront Drixlia under the assumption that the delicious being buried underground was dead. Since Kashi was not only alive but even stronger than Drixlia, there was no longer any point.

Kashi ignored the retreating monsters. The experience points from these low-level creatures weren't worth the effort. Instead, he checked the in-game clock. Indeed just over 14 hours had passed in-game since he logged out. By now, both the Merrite and Rosen delegations should have returned to Orez. He would take care of them before going dealing with his issues.

With this at the back of his mind, Kashi patted Drixlia. "Take care of me just a little longer." He chuckled as Drixlia harrumphed and bumped its head against his. "All right. I'll be right back."

Kashi closed his eyes. When he opened them, he stood in the sky above Yggdrasil. The daeben quickly flew to the ground, where he found the Merrites, Rosen, and Maggots resting beneath Yggdrasil's branches.

Kashi really did not feel like talking, so he briefly informed the group that it was time to leave. He would take them to their specific destinations in a minute. The daeben left those words behind and then returned to the real world before anyone could ask any questions.

Upon his return, Kashi took out Rosario's brush. He drew a massive ten-meter sigil on the ground and then used [Lock]. Perhaps because of its size, it sucked out 10,000 MP before its completion. Then, as expected, the sigil caused a massive commotion as it forcefully absorbed mana from the world. Luckily, this was a remote location. No one noticed aside from a few curious monsters.

Kashi examined the sigil, and then, when he was sure it was functional, he once again returned to Orez. This time, however, he appeared near the shores, far away from the settlements. He then, once more, drew another sigil and used [Lock]. When the sigil finished forming, Kashi walked into it and then activated [Dimension Piercer.] He hoped it would send him to the one in Destia.

Unfortunately, he received an error prompt.

Warning: Dimension Piercer cannot cross Dimensions at current Dimension Artist Mastery Level.

Required: Dimension Artist (Intermediate.)

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