Chapter 140: Restructuring the Guild

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Later that day,

The sun had run its course, silently dipping its head in the horizon as if to fall asleep. A sea of red burned across the white landscape teeming with late winter snow. At the center of Ranad, a massive structure stood proud against the harsh winter winds. Blindingly bright lights illuminated the compound, their source a series of magelight powered lamp posts that stretched beyond the compound to the streets, their collective radiance an assurance to the sleeping sun that the people of Ranad would be safe till the morrow.

Seven silhouettes stood beneath one such lamp post at the Maggot HQ entrance, engaged in animated discussion. The figures, cognizant of the chill that would come at the loss of the sun's heat, were mostly dressed in warm, furry clothing to stave off the cold.

Well, mostly.

A certain daeben braved the cold in his trademark sleeveless top, the only indication that he experienced the slightest bit of discomfort the fact that his hands remained in his trouser pockets.

Watching Kashi with wary eyes, Just Matt muttered, "I had heard rumors, but they do not even come close. You guys are truly crazy." His discomfort stemmed from the massive water tower erected behind the Maggot HQ Building.

Using Ranad as a test site, the Maggots had begun revamping the town's plumbing system to get as close to modern standards as possible. Already, the entire Maggot Building and a third of the city now had taps installed, significantly improving the citizen's way of life as they did not have to worry about going to fetch water at the stream or waiting to draw water from the well.

During Kashi and Leila's tour of the Maggot HQ building, they learned that the plans had already reached the final mass production stage.

Before long, these plumbing systems would be widespread to the neighboring towns and cities. Ignoring the massive reputation boost the easy access to water would garner from the common folk, should the Maggots choose to charge, even only 1 Syros per month for every household, the imagined profits were limitless.

Just Matt shook his head.

Considering the Maggots' significant lead in Runic Technology, should anyone want to push into this business in the future, they would need to go the electric-powered route. However, the MetalBrand leader also knew that a significant number of the player base would sabotage any attempt to bring about the industrial revolution through the excessive use of air pollutants like coal. They were powerless to stop their original world from being damaged beyond repair; they would be damned if they allowed anyone to harm this beautiful world.

Just Matt was not sure the extent of the Maggots' ambition, but from what he had witnessed so far, it was enough to guess they aimed to modernify the world—in their image.

While things like crafts were great and all, an enemy country could do without them, choosing to prevent artisans from entering their country. However, no sane government could resist the inventions like the water tower and advanced plumbing systems. Thus, the Maggots could get a steady foothold in any country of their choice in the future.

It was frightening, really.

Conquer the world?

At this rate, it would be the world begging to be conquered.

Just Matt shivered. Thank Goodness, he agreed to this meeting. He would not have known how to spell the word regret if he missed the opportunity to jump on a voyage as ambitious as this one because of something as fleeting as pride.

Kashi inwardly smiled, noting the bewildered guildmasters' faces. Indeed, passing the time with a tour was an excellent choice. He cast a glance at Leila, who was in deep discussion with Lunette and PsyoniousPH. Once again, it would seem he was in the wisben's debt.

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