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I was a couple hours into my 33 hour drive to Los Angeles when Colby called me. "Hey." I answered after a couple rings.

"Hey, beautiful." He said causing me to blush. "How was your flight?" I asked and twisted my ring aimlessly. "Long. It's beautiful here though." Colby said as I smiled.

"Take lots of pictures for me. What's on the agenda today?" I asked as he breathed a laugh. "We're going ice fishing, then going to an ice castle and staying the night. It's gonna be a cold night." He said with a small groan.

"Say goodbye to your balls." I said with a laugh. "I know, I'm so nervous." He said as I sighed. "It'll be great. You're gonna have so much fun." I said and kept my eyes on the road.

"I hope so...don't think the service here is good so if I don't respond or call that's why." He said as I frowned. "No biggie, I just want you to have fun." I said as he chuckled. "I miss you." He said as I chuckled.

"It's only been a couple hours." I said with a laugh. "Doesn't matter. I miss you." He said softly as I grinned. "I miss you, too." I said and put my hand on my chest.

"Okay, I have to go now before Sam kills me. I'll call you when I can, okay?" Colby said as I nodded. "Okay. Be safe." I said as Sam started asking him a question in the background. "I will, I love you." He said then hung up.

I felt my heart skip a beat at those three words that I've heard so many times from him. It never made it any less special though, even after all this time.

I ended up driving 12 hours straight, only stopping for gas and food breaks. I was too exhausted to continue though so I stopped in Lincoln, Nebraska.

I was so ready to be in LA again because I was already so sick of driving and I wasn't even close to being there. I was also getting a little lonely since I wanted my arrival to be a surprise.

I could also feel the nerves building up about Colby's plans for the night. I knew that he was a big boy and could handle himself but it still worried me that he could get hurt at any moment.

I shook my head as my phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered groggily. "Hey- did I wake you up?" Ki asked as I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah." I mumbled as she laughed. "Dude it's like....3pm." She said as I stretched out. "Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night." I lied.

"Oh no, what happened?" Ki asked as I laughed. "Nothing happened! I just had a hard time, I don't know." I said and stood up so I could get back on the road again.

"Hmmm...what are you up to today? Maybe you can go back to sleep?" Ki suggested as I yawned. "I have to work all day." I said and went into the bathroom to get ready. "That fucking sucks dude. Call me when you get off, I miss you." She said as I chuckled.

"I miss you, too. I gotta go but I'll call you when I can." I said as she blew a kiss then hung up.

I quickly got ready for the day then got back on the road. I spent the whole day driving, all while trying to keep myself sane. I knew I would have to stop at another hotel tonight but I was pushing myself to the limit.

I just wanted to be there already.

I ended up in a random town in Utah at 3am, meaning the only thing that was open was a Waffle House in the middle of nowhere.

I sighed and pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. It felt like my legs were made of jello from being cooped up in the car for so long.

"Table for one?" The older woman asked as I nodded. "Yes please." I mumbled as she smiled and walked me to a booth.

"What's got you in this neck of the woods at such an hour?" The woman asked as she poured me a glass of water. "Road tripping from Ohio to LA." I said as she grinned.

"A pretty girl like you could be a model. Is that what's bringing you to LA?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No ma'am. I have some friends out there." I said as she grinned a warm grin. "Well that sounds like fun. Do you know what you want, honey?" She asked as I sighed.

"I'll just have a waffle, and some hash browns. That sounds good." I said then took a sip of water. She smiled then walked away.

I sighed then pulled my phone out. I answered a couple texts then ended up trying to call Colby. I wasn't shocked when he didn't answer though.

I quickly ate my food then went to the hotel next door and slept for a few hours before getting back on the road.

I was so sick of driving but the fact that I only had a few hours left.

The closer I got the more nervous I was. What if nobody wanted me to move back? What if they wouldn't accept me again?

It was just my mind being mean to me.

I eventually pulled into the familiar driveway making my heart beat out of my chest. I wanted to just turn around and run away as the anxiety in my chest increased.

"You got this, V." I whispered then got out of the car. I grabbed one of my bags then made my way to the front door and knocked.

It took a second for someone to open the door but once they did I was met with chocolate brown eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Corey asked with shock plastered in his face. "Surprise!" I said as Corey gave me a hug.

"Dude, does anyone know?" He asked as I shook my head. "Nope." I said with a grin as he grabbed my bag and led me inside. "I'm home alone but I'm gonna get everyone to come over so you can surprise them." He said as we walked to my old room.

When he opened the door I felt my heart swell. The room was exactly how I had left it. "Colby didn't let us touch anything in this room." He said with a laugh as I sat on the bed.

"He really put a lot of faith in me." I said with a laugh. "You really thought you wouldn't come back?" He asked as I shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting to." I said with a laugh.

"Well I'm glad your back. I'm gonna tell everyone to come back. Do you need help getting your stuff in here?" He asked as I stood up and nodded. "Yes please." I said then skipped out of the room.

We spent the next half hour or so bringing my stuff into the house. By the time we were done I decided to go take a shower so I wouldn't look like ass when I surprised everyone.

I took my time showering so I could give people time to get here. I was so nervous to see everyone's reactions but I was also excited.

When I got out of the shower I towel dried my hair then got dressed into comfortable clothes. It was strange being back here after all this time but it almost felt normal at the same time.

This was home.

When I walked out of the room I could hear people laughing in the living room. I grinned to myself then made my way in that direction.

"What's so funny?" I asked as everyone turned to look at me. "OH MY GOD!" Ki screamed then got up and tackled me with a hug. "Hey." I said as she turned and pointed to Kat. "I TOLD you it was her car!!" She yelled as Kat came up to hug me.

"Sorry! I didn't think the crazy bitch would drive across the country without telling us!" She said and hugged me.

"Sorry, I wanted it to be a surprise." I said with a grin as I hugged Tara then Jake. "Are you gonna cook for us?" Jake asked as Tara smacked his arm.

"Dude, she just got here!" She scolded as I giggled. "No, it's okay. I left him high and dry for nine months. I'd love to cook for all of you. I might need a nap first." I said then sat on the couch.

"So you're living here? Forever?" Ki clarified as I nodded. "Well..hopefully." I said with a grin. "Good." She said then hugged me.

I could feel my heart swelling again as I looked around the room.

I really missed this.

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