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Kat and Ki ended up spending the next couple days at the house with me. Sam and Colby were still in Texas but Colby was keeping me updated on what they were doing.

I was so beyond proud of the guys for the work they were doing. They worked constantly on the house they were assigned to and surprisingly got it done.

"Did you see this?" I asked Kat and Ki as I showed them a picture of the house Sam and Colby built. "Aw! It's so cute!" Ki said as Kat took the phone and looked at the picture.

"I know! I'm so proud of them." I said as I pet Stella, who was sitting on my lap. "When do they come home?" Ki asked as Kat's phone started ringing. "Tuesday." I said as Kat sucked her lips in and grabbed her phone before getting up and walking out of the room.

"Must be important." I said with a shrug. "Or she has a secret." Ki said and wiggled her fingers dramatically. "You're a loser." I said then stood up, putting Stella in Ki's lap so I could make a snack for us.

"When do you have to go to the airport?" I asked as she pursed her lips and looked at her phone. "Uhhhh...today." She said as I laughed. "Are you even packed?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Uh...no." She said as I grabbed the stuff to make sandwiches. "So you need to go home and pack?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah probably." She said as Kat came back.

"Sorry about that." She said then sat down and typed something on her phone. "It's cool. Ki needs to go and pack since she's leaving for the airport today." I explained as I spread some peanut butter on a piece of bread.

"Oh yeah! You have to be there at 4, right?" Kat asked as Ki nodded slowly. "Yeah, 4." She said as I looked at the time. "Dude it's 2! You have to go pack!" I said as she laughed.

"Okay but you have to come with me." She pouted as I nodded. "Okay, but we better go now." I said then tossed her a sandwich and grabbed my keys. "You coming, Kat?" I asked as we made our way to the front door.

"No, I'll just hang out here." She said as I nodded and opened the door. Luckily Ki only lived 15 minutes away which gave her enough time to pack her stuff up.

"Stop getting distracted!" I said with a laugh as I played with Stella on the floor. "Sorry! Packing is boring!" Ki groaned as she typed something into her phone. "I know, but you have to do it if you want to see your family for the holidays." I said as she frowned.

"I'm sorry you can't see your family for Christmas." She said as I shook my head. "It's okay, I'm used to it by now. I'm just happy I get to see my friends go off to see their families." I said with a small smile as Stella bit my fingers playfully.

"I think you're gonna have a good holiday." She said as I chuckled and shrugged. "It'll be quiet, that's for sure." I said then stood up. "Come on, I don't want you to miss your flight." I said as she nodded.

"We have to stop back at the house, I left my blanket there..." Ki said as I laughed. "Okay, let's hope traffic isn't a bitch." I said as she put Stella in her carrier and grabbed her bags.

We made our way back to the house in record time which was good.  "Will you grab it for me?" Ki asked as I scrunched my brow at her. "I don't want to wake Stella." She said and gestured to the carrier on her lap.

"Fiiiiine." I said then got out of the car. When I got inside the house I went to the guest room and grabbed the fluffy blue blanket that was on the bed. I heard the front door open as I walked through the house. "I thought you didn't want to wake Stella!?" I called out as I walked.

I huffed out a small breath when I didn't hear a response but walked out to the car anyways.

When I got there Kat was sitting in the backseat. "Oh, you wanted to come?" I asked as she nodded. "Yep." She said with a nod. "Alrighty then." I said then pulled out of the driveway.

The drive to the airport was frustrating due to LA traffic but we managed to get there in time for Ki to catch her flight.

"Here's your stop." I said and pulled over to the curb as she shook her head. "Actually...it's your stop." She said as I scrunched my brow. "What do you mean?" I asked as Kat giggled and got out of the car.

"You're gonna miss your flight." Ki said as I shook my head. "I don't have a flight?" I said with confusion as Kat opened my door. "Yes, you do." Kat said then handed me a piece of paper.

I looked at the ticket in my hand and sure enough it had my name on it. "What's going on?" I asked as I looked at the ticket. The destination said ANC which I didn't recognize.

"If you ask anymore questions you'll miss your flight!" Ki said with a laugh as I shook my head. "I don't even have a bag packed!" I said as Kat unbuckled my seatbelt then pulled my hands to get me out of the car.

"Yes you do! Come on." Kat said as Ki pulled out my duffel bag from the backseat. "Wh-what?" I asked as Ki handed it to me. "Go! You'll find out soon!" She said with a laugh.

"O-okay." I said as Kat hugged me. "Love you!" She said then turned me towards the entrance of the building.

My mind was going a mile a minute as I nodded and walked through the doors. I had never flown somewhere without knowing the destination before so my anxiety was peaked.

I went towards security and got in line, trying to figure out what in the world was going on. It felt like a fever dream as I went through security since I had no time to prepare for any of this.

Once I was out of security I found my gate seeing that I was going to Anchorage. I was about to google where the hell that was but before I could my boarding number was called.

Everything was going so fast that I couldn't even contain my thoughts as I walked onto the plane so I could find my seat.

When I sat down I let out a breath then looked around the small plane. "How long is this flight?" I asked a flight attendant as she passed by.

"Five and a half hours." She said with a warm smile as I nodded. I let out a shaky breath as my heart started to pound. I was usually pretty good with adventures but this was a new level of adventure that I didn't know I could handle.

I had no idea where I was going.

The flight went by faster than I was thinking it would go though which was nice. By the time we got there it was dark out which led me to believe we stayed close to the west coast.

"Thank you for flying with Delta, we hope you enjoy your time in Anchorage." The flight attendant said as I got off the plane.

I could feel my heart racing as I walked down the little hallway towards the gate. Now that I was here, I was even more confused.

I pulled my phone out and started to text Ki asking her what the hell I was doing in a completely different city that was almost 6 hours away from home.

As I texted her though I got a text from Colby.

Look up.

I gasped slightly then looked up to see him standing next to a pillar, leaning against it as he grinned at me.

"Colby, what are you doing here?!" I asked and ran up to hug him. "Surprise." He said quietly as he held me tightly. "Where the hell are we?" I asked and pulled away so he could look into my eyes.

"You'll see. Are you hungry?" He asked as he took my bag from me and slung it over his shoulder. "Yeah, a little bit." I said as he took my hand. "Good, because I am too." He said then led the way to the rental car place.

"When did you fly in? Did you even go to Texas? I'm so confused." I said as he laughed. "I got in a couple hours before you. Yes, I went to Texas." He answered with a laugh. "Now stop asking so many questions, I don't want to ruin any surprises." He said with a wink.

"Hm...okay." I said then let out a breath as I looked around. There weren't many clues as to where we were but I could tell it was cold here by how everyone was dressed.

When we got to the rental car building Colby sat me down on one of the benches that was there so he could go get the car. I couldn't help but laugh at how absolutely adorable he was being about all of this.

I never expected him to ever suprise me like how he was surprising me but seeing him so happy and excited made all of the stress worth it.

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