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I felt my heart drop when I woke up in the familiar disgusting room. My head hurt this time though as the scent of bacon filled my nose.

I couldn't stop the tears as they formed. I was just so frustrated, knowing that I almost made it out of here, only to be brought back. I was incredibly aware that my handcuffs were tighter since the metal was cutting at my already raw skin.

"Ah, you're awake! I'm glad you stayed." Peter said as I clenched my jaw. "I don't want to be here, dumbass. I seem to remember trying to leave." I said and squinted at him. "Hm. I don't. Anyways today is a big day. Are you ready?" He asked and shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth.

I noticed that he was much more detached today. He looked geniuenly crazy as he smiled down at me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked as he crouched down and brushed through my tangled hair with his fingers.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" He asked as I shook my head. "Why are you doing this?" I asked as my voice cracked.

I could feel myself slowly giving up on the idea of getting out of here. It scared me to think that I was going to be a distant memory to everyone I love because they were never going to find me.

It had been so long they probably gave up and claimed me as dead.

As far as I was concerned, I was dead.

"Because I love you." Peter said then started to feed me again. "You don't. You don't treat the people you love like this." I cried out as he shook his head. "I give you food, a place to live, and all my love. What more could you ask for?" He asked as I sobbed.

"Let me go." I whispered, feeling myself finally start to crack. "If I let you go, you'll miss the wedding." He said as my heart dropped.

"The what?" I asked as he smiled at me. "We're getting married today." He said as I shook my head. "No we're not you psychopath!" I yelled as his gaze hardened and he slapped me.

I didn't feel it though.

"Be respectful, dear. I've been planning this for a while." He said as I shook my head. "I'm not marrying you!" I screamed as he clenched his jaw. "Nonsense. The priest will be here soon." He said then left the room.

I couldn't contains my screams of agony as I pulled at the cuffs, trying to get them to break from the bed frame. I didn't have a lot of fight left in me but I was using every ounce I had, trying to break free from the prison I was in.

I wasn't getting married today.

After a couple minutes of fighting Peter came into the room with a hair brush and veil. "No!" I screamed and tried harder to break free.

"Stop fighting it sweetheart, we're meant to be." He said then started ripping my hair out with the brush. "Ow!" I screamed as he roughly brushed my hair. He just smiled and grabbed kept going, until he was satisfied with how it looked.

Once he was finished he looked at the brush in his hand and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply as if he was smelling a cake that had just come out of the oven.

A shiver ran down my spine as I watched him open his eyes and smile. "I love you." He said then shoved the veil in my hair. "Go to hell." I said as he smiled. "Only if you're by my side." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"We need to get you changed." He said then yanked me up so I would be standing. I gasped from the pain of my handcuffs cutting into my skin more.

"Let's get this off." He said then pulled off the disgusting white dress I was in. He stared at my almost naked body and smiled.

"My beautiful Violet." He said as a shiver ran down my spine. Those words held so much power, meaning that I was now his. I was really starting to believe that I was his at this point.

I knew how great of an actor he could be because I never suspected he would be this crazy by how he acted at work.

He was nice and friendly and took no for an answer when he would ask me to hang out. I knew that he would be able to cover this up for a long time. He could turn his charm on and lie through his teeth that he didn't know where I was.

He was crazy.

He got me dressed in a new, even dirtier, white dress then smiled widely. "My bride." He said then kissed me causing me to flinch back.

His kiss was sloppy, since I refused to open my mouth to him no matter how hard he tried. "Just wait here, I'm going to get the door." He said then walked out of the room.

I started breathing heavily as I looked around the room, trying once again to find an escape. It was useless though, since my handcuffs were incredibly too tight and he would be back in a minute.

Maybe the priest would help me. Maybe he would see what was going on and he would call the police. I would just have to make it very clear that I didn't want this and that I was here against my will.

Maybe it would work.

After a couple minutes Peter came back with a very tall and very skinny dude who was wearing a suit that was 4 sizes too big.

He was going to be useless to me.

"Here's my beautiful bride, Violet." Peter said and gestured to me as I clenched my jaw. "I don't want to do this." I said as he smiled. "Silly girl, of course you do." He said then stood next to me.

"Let's get started." He said and looked at the priest as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to bring together Peter John Chavez and Violet Renee Richards." He said as I started to cry.

"No." I whispered as Peter tightened his grip on my waist. "Let's start with the vows." The priest said as my heart thumped in my chest.

"Violet, I knew that I loved you the minute I saw you.  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you since I know we are meant to be together. You're never leaving me again." He said as I sucked in a breath.

"You're turn, sweetheart." Peter said as my blood boiled. "I fucking hate you. You have me here against my will even though I've told you that I don't love you. You're fucking psychotic and I don't want to marry you." I said as he laughed.

"Silly girl. You know you love me." Peter said as I shook my head then spit in his face. "You're gonna rot." I said then glared at him as the priest handed him my ring. "I love you too, sweetheart." He said as my heart sank.

He really wasn't going to let up.

"Alright. Do you, Peter, take Violet to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked as he nodded "I do."  He said and smiled a wicked smile.

"And do you, Violet, take Peter to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked as I clenched my jaw. "No." I said as Peter's face hardened. "Say it!" He yelled as I shook my head. "No." I repeated as he wound his hand back and slapped me.

"SAY IT!" He screamed then grabbed my hair, pulling it so I would look up at him. I spit in his face again, knowing that I wasn't going to let up.

I wasnt marrying him.

"FUCK. YOU." I said as he grimaced and pulled my hair more. "Say it." He said and pulled out a knife, putting it on my neck.

I looked at him for a second as I trembled. Would it really be so bad if he killed me? It would be better than marrying him. "SAY IT!" He screamed again causing me to flinch.

"I do." I whispered as tears flooded my eyes. "Good." He said then put the knife back in his pocket. "Continue." He said to the priest as I started to sob.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kiss your bride." The priest said as I cried even harder.

Before Peter could lean in to kiss me though there was the most beautiful noise I had ever heard. A pounding on the front door accompanied by the sound of yelling.


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