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"How are we supposed to fish without fishing equipment?" I asked as we got to a little pond that was connected to a raging river.

"We're river fishing." Sam said as we walked towards the entrance of the river. "I'm sorry, what?" Ki asked as Sam pulled out a couple pairs of rubber gloves from his bag.

"I'm not touching a fish." Kat said as Justin panned to us with the camera. "Come on, it's all about new experiences right?" Colby asked as I shrugged, looking towards the river.

I was usually okay with doing most things but something about fish freaked me out. I was alright with normal fishing to an extent because I could just hand it off and not touch the fish at all but this was way out of my comfort zone.

"He's right guys, it's gonna be fun!" Sam said as Ki laughed. "We don't even know how to do it, also it's October, it's gonna be FREEZING." Ki said as Sam put the gloves on and Colby pulled out a couple pairs of rubber boots.

"We just did an overnight in Alaska, this is nothing!" Justin said as I sighed. "Let's just do this." I said grabbed a pair of boots and gloves.

"Don't act too excited, V." Colby said as I shrugged. I didn't want to tell them that I was nervous to do this because I didn't want to kill the vibe of the video in any way.

"We don't even know how to do this." Ki said as Colby helped me get into the water. It was already super uncomfortable because it was hard to stand and the water was freezing.

It could have been worse though.

It could always be worse.

"Actually Ki, if you MUST know. Colby and I watched people do this in Alaska. We're basically pros." Sam said as I clung onto Colby's forearms so I wouldn't fall.

"You good?" He asked as I nodded, standing up straight. "Yeah, the current is really strong." I said and tried to let go. As soon as I did, I stumbled backwards a little bit. "Woah! I've got you." Colby said and grabbed onto my waist, keeping me up.

"Holy shit dude! It's so cold!" Sam yelled with a high voice as Justin, Kat, and Ki watched us from the shore since we only had three pairs of boots and gloves.

"Try to move your feet to be shoulder width apart." Colby said and held my waist tighter. "Okay." I said then steadied myself. "Okay, I'm good." I said as he smirked and pulled his hands away. It was much easier to stand this way.

"There ya go, V!" Sam praised as he waded over to us. "How do we do this?" I asked and clapped my hands together. "We just have to look down until we see a fin, then grab it." Sam said as I chuckled.

"That seems much easier than it is." I said as he nodded. "Oh yeah." He said as we slowly walked along the river.

As we walked I felt something brush against my leg causing me to scream and try to run away. "What's wrong?!" Colby yelled as he caught me from eating shit. "Something brushed against my leg..I just got startled." I said and bit my lip, before standing up again.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting kind of strange." He said as I shook my head. "I'm fine." I said then looked down at the water again.

We walked for a few minutes before Sam gasped. "Holy shit!" He yelled then reached into the water and pulled out a fish. "Look at this!" He yelled then held it out to Colby and I.

"Holy shit, you did it!" Colby yelled as I flinched, feeling my eyes water from the anxiety I was feeling. I watched as it flopped in his hand causing the fear to rise in my belly.

"That was so exhilarating!" Sam said with a laugh as the two of them waded towards the shore to show it to the camera.

I hugged myself as I tried to calm my racing heart. I knew my fear was extremely irrational but I couldn't help it.

"Vi, look at t-are you okay?" Sam asked as I nodded slowly and kept my eyes on the fish. "Sam, you should let it go now, it's been out of the water for too long." Kat said with a frown.

"Okay, say goodbye to the fishy!" Sam said as Kat and Ki waved goofily at it.

When Sam threw the fish into the water he threw it in my direction. I didn't even realize how badly it freaked me out until I fell on my ass.

"Help me up!" I shrieked at the thought of a fish somewhere swimming into me while I was in the water.

"I've got you. You're okay." Colby said and pulled me up. "Get me out of the water!" I screamed as tears fell from my eyes. I hated that I was being so vulnerable right now as Colby carried me out of the river.

I looked like an idiot.

"Breathe, V. You're okay." He said as Ki came over with an extra sweatshirt. "S-s-sorry." I said as I trembled from both the panic and the coldness that was chilling my bones.

"What happened?" Kat asked as I breathed a small laugh. "I'm afraid of fish." I said and pulled my wet sweatshirt off so I could put the other one on. "Wait. Seriously?" Sam asked as I nodded. "I didn't think you were afraid of anything!" He said causing me to laugh.

"Yep. I'm terrified of fish." I said, knowing how ridiculous it sounded. "So wait. You're meaning to tell me, you're totally okay with facing off with a mountain lion but fish freak you out?" Colby asked as I pulled the new sweatshirt over my torso.

"It's irrational, I know." I said and covered my eyes with my hands, trying to hide from the embarrassment.

"I think it's cute." Colby said and pulled my hands from my face. "You would think it's cute." I said and rolled my eyes as Justin cut the camera.

"It is cute! The fact that you're a smart badass that's afraid of fish. Like...fish of all things? They're harmless!" Ki said as I rolled my eyes. "Can we stop talking about it so we can finish this part of the video?" I grumbled then handed Ki my gloves and boots.

"Alright, sassy." Ki said with a laugh then out the gloves and boots on as Colby gave Kat his.

I watched as the three of them got in the water. Sam was holding Kat by the waist so she wouldn't fall as Ki held her ground by herself.

I was still freezing since my lower body was soaking wet. "Sorry we made fun of you." Colby said as he took his bomber jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"It's okay, I deserve it. Honestly it's some pussy ass shit being afraid of fish." I said with a giggle. "Maybe but it doesn't really count when your fearless with everything else." He said as I shrugged.

"I guess you're right." I said then looked over at Justin who was intricately filming Sam, Ki, and Kat as they waded through the water.

"Ya know, we probably need to stop being so close while on this trip...we're gonna get exposed." I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Would it be so bad?" Colby asked as I shrugged. "I'm just nervous...it's...wait. What's today?" I asked as he looked at me with confusion. "October 14th..why?" He asked as I grinned.

"It's been almost exactly a year since we went to the asylum." I said quietly as he smiled. "It feels like a lifetime ago but also like it was yesterday." He said quietly.

"I think it was the best thing to ever happen to me." I said and looked at the river. "I know it was the best thing to happen to me." He said then kissed my head.

"So are we already accepting defeat?" I asked as he laughed. "What do you mean?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"Are we just not hiding this anymore?" I asked and gestured between us. "Honestly, baby? I don't think it's possible for us to hide this." He said as I nodded.

"I guess...if I get shot in the chest again though thats on you." I said as he rolled his eyes. "Nobody is gonna shoot you in the chest. They might be upset but they won't hurt you. They'll warm up." He said as I nodded. "Whatever you say. You know them better than I do." I said quietly.

We sat at the river for a while before we got up and went back to the campsite so I could get changed out of my wet clothes.

As I got ready I thought about how crazy this past year has been and how happy I was that I won that contest.

I would forever be grateful for it.

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