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I stood in the bathroom, holding my stomach as bile burned my throat.

I needed to get out of here.

I turned to leave the room quickly, only to run into someone. "V?" Colby asked as I let my eyes trail to his. It was in the moment I felt something I don't think I have ever felt towards Colby.


I knew it wasn't my own emotion but I was feeling it and I didn't know how to handle it. I pushed him to the side aggressively then started making my way towards the hallway. "What the hell, Violet!?" Colby called out as I snapped my head on his direction. "Fuck you." I grumbled then turned to leave again.

"Violet?" Jake asked and took my arm, stopping me from walking. "Leave me alone!" I screamed then pushed him away from me too. "Shit...is she possessed?" Corey asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not fucking possessed." I said then went to finally leave the room. "Hey!" Sam called out as he ran after me. I could feel the anger and hatred towards them swelling up so badly that I almost stayed in the room.

I needed to leave before I hurt them.

I yanked the door open, then walked out into the hallway. As soon as I did this I felt the weight lift off of my chest. "Violet, what's going on?" Sam asked as I heaved out a breath.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I tried to catch my breath. "Talk to me, Vi. What happened?" He asked as I slid down the wall.

"I just got so angry...and was filled with hatred." I said and pulled my knees to my chest. "I'm fine now...but that was the hardest thing to feel." I said and anxiously rubbed at my necklaces.

"So you think you were feeling Richard's emotions?" He asked as I nodded. "I know I was. I was scared but his emotions wanted me to kill you guys." I said and stared at the wall in front of me.

"That's fucking intense." Sam said as Colby came out into the hallway. "Hey...are you okay?" He asked and looked at me cautiously. "Yeah, sorry." I said and looked up at him.

"It got too intense, didn't it?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I was trying to get out but everyone just kept stopping me. Did I hurt anyone?" I asked as he crouched down and took my hands.

"No, we're all okay. A little worried about you, but okay." He said with a small laugh. "I'm okay, you guys can keep filming in there I'm just gonna wait here." I said and hugged my knees.

"You're sure?" Colby asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I'll yell if I need you." I said then pulled out my phone. "Okay..." He said apprehensively as I looked at Sam.

"Sam, can you tell your friend that he's being overprotective and overbearing again?" I asked as he grinned and looked at Colby. "Hey, you're being overprotective and overbearing again." He said as Colby rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever, dork." Colby said then ruffled my hair and turned towards the room.

Once they were out of sight I unlocked my phone and started scrolling through all of the social media apps. I tried to keep my eyes down and on my phone since I was a little freaked out about being in here alone.

I knew that it was completely safe to be in here alone, especially since the guys were just in the other room, but it was still such an eerie place.

I found myself zoning out as I stared at my phone. I could hear people talking in my ears, but didn't think much of it as my vision blurred.

I could see a blurry image running down the hallway. I couldn't make out any of the features of the person but I could tell they were a female and that they had long blonde hair.

"Shit!" She hissed as she clicked the elevator button. "I'm not gonna hurt ya." A man's voice rang through my ears. The voice sounded menacing, which made my skin crawl.

I could see the blurry image of a man standing at the end of the hallway. I again couldn't see many details, but I could tell he was covered in blood.

I didn't feel any fear as he slowly made his way down the hallway towards me and the girl.

It felt like I was watching a movie.

The girl screamed and ran into the elevator as the man raced towards her, forcing his way into the elevator as the doors tried to close.

Before he could get into the elevator though they disappeared as someone shook my shoulders.

"V?" Colby asked as I blinked away the blurryness. "Huh?" I asked and looked towards the elevator only to see nobody there. "You looked like you were really lost in thought." He said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah..I just...I guess I was daydreaming." I said then looked up at the guys. "Are you done filming in there?" I asked and nodded my head towards the room they were in.

"Yeah...are you su- actually..never mind." Colby said and held his hands out so I could stand up. I knew he was going to ask if I was alright, but stopped himself. I didn't necessarily mind him being protective but he really overdid it sometimes.

I just smiled at him as I took his hands and hoisted myself up. "Is there anywhere else we should go?" Sam asked Jake as I looked around one more time. I couldn't shake the daydream I just had.

Was it a daydream though? Or did it really happen? It had to have been just a random daydream.

"I mean we can walk around the rest of the hotel if you guys want to." Jake said with a shrug. "That okay with everyone?" Sam asked and looked at us. "Yeah, that's fine." Colby said as Corey nodded.

"V?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yeah, sorry. Did you guys hear anything while I was out here alone?" I asked and looked around. "No? Why did something happen?" Colby asked as I shook my head.

"No..I think I'm just going crazy." I said with a laugh then put my phone in my pocket. "Okay...let's go then." Sam said and led the way to the elevator.

"I think I'm gonna take the stairs if that's okay." I said and pointed towards the stairs. "Yeah, I'll come with you." Colby said as I nodded. "We're gonna go to the lobby." Sam said as the others filed into the elevator.

"Is there any particular reason you wanted to take the stairs?" Colby asked with a laugh as we started walking. "I want the excercise, Cole." I said with a grin as we walked down the stairs.

"Riiiight." He said as I laughed. "No, I just don't want to feel anything but what I'm feeling. This experience has been fun, but I'm ready to just be home and with my own emotions." I said and took his hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"That makes sense. I still think it's super cool that you can feel spirits emotions." He said quietly. "Yeah, I think it has to do with my parents, like since they died unexpectedly. I think they're my link to the other side." I said with a shrug.

"God, you're so hot." He said causing me to laugh. "Yes, having dead parents is soooo hot." I teased as he rolled his eyes playfully. "You know that's not what I meant, you dork." He said then nudged my shoulder as we made it down to the lobby.

"Yeah, yeah." I said and opened the door. "Took you long enough." Corey teased as I laughed. "Shut up, we just had to walk down 14 flights of stairs, it takes a minute." I said and flipped him off.

I loved that Sam, Corey, Jake and I have gotten so close. It was almost like they were the brothers I never had.

"So we are just gonna walk through the lobby and then head out." Sam said as we started walking. "Sounds good." I said with a nod.

We walked around for another thirty minutes or so before we decided to go home. We had to kind of sneak out of the building since nobody was supposed to be inside and there was still a crowd of people.

We got to the car and filmed the outro to the video they were filming. I tried to stay focused on what they were saying but my mind drifted off to what I saw when I was in the hallway.

I couldn't wrap my mind around what I thought I saw and heard. It had to have been a figment of my imagination, but it also felt too real to be my mind playing tricks on me.

It made me wonder if I maybe was actually going crazy.

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