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Everything moved in slow motion.

The priest started to run, knowing what he was doing was wrong, but Peter just stood there. He took a step in front of me as if he was covering me from someone dangerous.

The noises got louder as they broke the door and stormed into the house. I felt my heart race as the sounds of heavy footsteps came closer to the room we were in.

"Help! Please help!" I screamed causing the footsteps to move closer and the door to swing open.

"Hands up!" The officer said as Peter stared them down. "Is there a problem, officer?"  He asked so calmly that it sent a chill down my spine. "You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Violet Richards." The officer said and held the gun up as two more cops came in.

"She wants to be here." Peter said as I shook my head. "That's not true! Please help me. Please." I begged as they slowly started to box him in.

"Put your hands up." The officer said calmly as they walked slowly. "She wants to be here." Peter repeated. One of the officers then made the move and lunged for him, tackling him to the ground as another officer crouched in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Please arrest him." I begged as they cuffed him. "We are. You're safe now. You're okay." The officer comforted as he freed my hands from the cuffs that were cutting into my skin.

As soon as my hands were free I hugged the officer in front of me, thanking god that they found me and that I was going to get out of here.

I was going to be okay.

I watched as they dragged Peter out of the house and wheeled a gurney in so I could go to the hospital. I knew I wasn't severely injured physically but mentally it was another story.

I was wrecked mentally.

"How long was I gone?" I whispered to the EMT as he put me in the ambulance. "6 days." He said and started taking my vitals. "Shit." I whispered and closed my eyes as he got an IV going.

"Did he give you any substances that we should know about?" He asked as I shook my head slowly. "Just the drugs he used to take me in the first place." I mumbled as he nodded then wrote some stuff down.

I tried to relax on the way to the hospital but I was still so hyper aware of everything around me. I knew in my mind that I was going to be okay but the dread was still sitting in my chest.

I couldn't believe any of this happened to me.

When we got to the hospital they wheeled me into the ER where Sophia was waiting. "Thank god." She said as I disassociated from reality. I could hear Sophia talking to the EMT but I couldn't for the life of me realize what they were saying.

For the first time in 6 days I was able to let my guard down. I was able to not be at my most present. And I wasn't.

I was numb.

"Violet sweetie, can you hear me?" Sophia asked as I blinked slowly. "Mhmm." I mumbled then looked up at her. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." She said quietly and brushed my hair from my face as Aisha came in with a fresh pair of clothes.

Colby's clothes.

"Where's Colby?" I asked and looked around frantically. "Woah, he's in the waiting room with your friends. You can see him later, but we have to go over some other things first and get you cleaned up." Sophia explained softly as Aisha came over.

"Okay." I said then laid back. "You don't seem to have any major injuries, other than bruises which is good." She said and took my hand, holding it gently. "You're gonna be okay." She said as I shook my head.

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