Chapter 38

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2 years later

Life with twins wasn't an easy one. The minute they learned to move around on their own, they created havoc. From knocking things off tables to getting into cabinets and pulling things out of them. It was hard to keep up with them. You turn to look at what one did and the other is making a mess somewhere else. I just wanted to scream.

"Joelle no! Put that down. William do not put that in your mouth!" I grabbed the glass cup from her hands before she dropped it, while also taking trash from William's hands. He had managed to tip the trash can over and was digging through it.

"Where is your father when I need him!" I was basically raising them on my own, Willa was busy with co-running the Coven with Stefan and Jonah was busy with the pack. I was left all alone with them every day. "You know what, time out!" I said, I froze them as they were and levitated both of them to the play area gently placing them down into their separate timeout areas and sealing them in with a spell. They looked at me with sad eyes, but I didn't fall for it."Don't look at me like that, you two trouble makers need a timeout, and I need a break. This stress isn't good for me." I rubbed my belly. I was growing bigger every day. I just hoped we weren't having another set of twins. Two kids are hard enough, four would just make me explode. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes resting for a little. I heard the door open not bothering to open my eyes knowing who it was.

"Woah, what happened here?" Willa said.

"Toddlers happened," I said.

"I see they are in timeout. Don't look at my little ones, when mommy's irritated you get a magical time out. How's the little bun?" She said rubbing my stomach. "Wow, that was a strong kick." She said. This baby was worse than the previous ones, it was constantly kicking day and night and they were not comfortable kicks.

"You have no idea how badly I want this thing out of me. I'm tired of being pregnant. Plus the twins are always running around messing up the house and making me crazy. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up with two toddlers while pregnant. I'm really stressed out, and constantly hungry and my boobs keep leaking. I feel like I'm going crazy and no one here to help me." I said crying. My hormones with this new pregnancy were different. I was a constant crying mess every day if I wasn't angry. "It's all Jonah's fault for making me pregnant! I hate him so much!" I said

"And I am so sorry," he said walking in. "I'm sorry I've been so busy, I promise I'll take more time to be home." He said kissing my forehead.

"No, you will be home. I barely get any sleep, I haven't showered in days, the house is a constant mess, and I am doing it all by myself! You mister are not leaving me with three kids!"

"Okay, Okay. Tell you what, you go take a shower and get some rest. I'll watch over the twins." He said.

"Okay." I got up and headed for the stairs. I took my shower and took a much-needed nap.

When I woke up again around dinner time, I could smell the food from the room. I got up and walked downstairs. I heard Willa arguing with someone on the phone, and I could hear who it was.

"No, clearly you don't know what I want! " She turned the phone off before he could respond.

"Trouble in paradise?" I asked.

"He can be such an inconsiderate jerk! Gosh, I hate him so much." I rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

"So which one of you cleaned up and made dinner?" I asked.

"Don't look at me, I don't do housework. Your fiance did the rest." She said sitting down.

"Your kidding right? There's no way you did all this." I said skeptically."Is Olivia hiding here somewhere?"

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