Chapter 28

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A young girl walked in, I was confused at her being her, but the closer I looked at her, the more Olivia I saw. I guessed she was their sister.

"Hey, Ellie. Come in they won't bite. This is my baby sister Elenor. Ellie this is Willow and Kennedy" he introduced.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you guys... I mean girls. Mom talks about you all the time, you're just like how she described." She said.

"You look like your mother but a lot younger," Willa said. "Oops, I didn't mean to say it out loud."

"Oh no, it's fine, I get that a lot." She said shyly. I motioned for her to come to sit on the bed with us. She joined us. She really was a replica of Olivia. She had the same facial structure, and hair the only difference was her eyes were two different eye colors. One grey and the other green. She looked a lot younger than I expected.

"How old are you Ellie?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm 15." She replied.

"What brings you here? I mean was it the babies?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I never thought my big brother would ever have kids, not after Jane. He shut his heart to everyone. I never thought he would ever love anyone again, but then I heard about you and I had hope. Don't hurt him okay. Jane did and he wasn't the same big brother I remember, so just be careful with his feelings." She said.

"I will try my best not to hurt him," I said.

"Good, oh can I, uh, touch your belly?"She asked. "If that's weird it's okay it's just I've only seen a big belly like yours in the picture of mom while she was pregnant." She was adorable the way she spoke.

"Here, feel that? It's the little monsters kicking." I said, placing her hand on the belly. Her smile was refreshing.

"I can't wait to see them. I bet they will be adorable and tiny. I would be scared to hold one, I think I would be afraid I would accidentally drop the baby or something." She said. I smiled.

"Would you like to be one of the first people to hold them? I mean after Willa and your brothers of course."

"Really?" I nodded. " That would be great." We sat and talked with Ellie for a little while longer. She was very different from their brothers, while they were both dominating males, she was shy and sweet. You could just tell that she got a better experience when it came to being a child. Jonah and Xander focused on leading packs, and since she's a lot younger than them, she probably got to be more of a child. It was nice to see that there was still a possibility to be happy.

I had fallen asleep a while back and I guess everyone left to give me the space to do so. When I woke up again, it was dark out. I got out of bed and walked over to Jonah's room. I sat on the bed next to his sleeping body and watched as his chest rose and fell. The scars from the ambush were healing and his dark circles were almost gone. He had been through so much because of me, I felt rest is what he needed the most.

I mean he might as well get it now because when these babies arrive he sure as hell won't be getting any. I was going to make it my personal mission to make him change lots of diapers, make many baby bottles, and also get his ass out of bed in the late nights when the babies are crying. It's the least he could do since I have to carry these children and give birth to them. Honestly, men have an easy job when it comes to making children. It's only fair he does most of the work while I sleep.

I brushed the hair off his face and gave him a small kiss on the lips before I got up to leave. He grabbed my hand, stopping me from moving.

"So you're awake," I said.

"Since you walked into the room actually," he said. I sat back on the bed.

"Then why didn't you let me know?"

"I wanted to know what you would do. Besides, I was waiting for you to kiss me before I did this." He pulled me into his arms and planted his lips on mine. I pulled away feeling uncomfortable in the position I was in while kissing him and pregnant. He patted the bed beside him and motioned for me to join him. Without protest, I did.

"Do you want to know what was brought to my attention today?" He nodded in response. "We have no materials for our little bundles of joys. No nursery, not even diapers. We're kinda bad parents for not even being prepared." I said.

"Were not bad parents, we have just been through too much, we haven't had the time. But we still have a little while we can do everything. Besides, I get the feeling my mother will probably have a whole house built for us when we get out of here furnished and everything. With every single baby supply, we will need." He said. I laughed.

"Do you really think she would do that?"

"I wouldn't put it past her, you see the way she is when she gets here. She always feels the need to cook for everyone and she always places herself in your life. She wasn't always this way, I guess after the way her childhood was and what happened to me when I was younger, she tried her best to make sure we had a better childhood full of love and happiness. It's tiring sometimes, but I love her. It's her way of showing love." He said.

"That's nice, I wish I could have had that growing up. I guess it's why I love her so much. She's the mother I wish I had growing up. I'm glad I can share yours, and our sons get a great grandmother."

"Look I'm sorry I was an ass, it's just been hard loving anyone since Jane, she really hurt me." I gave him a small kiss.

"I would never hurt you, not intentionally anyway. It's been hard for me too, but we're both learning okay that's all we can do." We sat there talking for the rest of the night until I fell asleep. 

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