Chapter 2

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 Today was the day I was taking the pregnancy test. It's been three weeks now, and I was on edge waiting for these results. I prayed they were negative. The beep of the test went off telling me it was time to check. I couldn't bring myself to look at it. Willa looked at it instead. I could tell by her expression, that it was positive. I walked out of the bathroom with tears in my eyes.

"Willa I can't. They're going to come for these babies."I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"When I left the coven, they told me that if I were to ever have kids that are twins, they would come for them. They said I was free but the twins wouldn't be. I can't bring these kids into a life where they are viewed as property. I can't have these kids." I said,

"Woah, calm down. If the coven comes after you, I'll be here. I will never let them take those kids away." She said,

"No, no I don't want these kids. I don't." I said, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell to the floor screaming.

"What the hell is going on?" Willa asked.

"It hurts so much," I said. I saw my veins turning black. I screamed even louder. Willa took my hand trying to figure out what was happening to me. She came back and looked at me in horror.

"Those babies are killing you. They're angry that you said you didn't want them. You have to take it back, or the pain will keep going." She said,

"Okay, I'll take it back. I take it back, please." I said, slowly the pain resided. She helped me up onto the couch.

"These are some powerful babies. You can't let the coven get them. We have to get out of here. There is no way they didn't feel an intense power like that one." She said.

"Where would we go?" I asked her.

"The father. Jonah, considering these babies are powerful witches, they are also half werewolves. If there is one thing witches hate doing, it is crossing a pack of wolves." She said,

"How do you suggest we find him?" I said,

"Simple, we let the babies guide us. They are half of him, meaning we can use that to track him." She said.

"What do you expect we do when oh I don't know if he decides these babies aren't worth it?" I asked her.

"Simple, we just show him that they are. I have the feeling that your powerful werewitch babies will cause him immense pain until he claims them." She said smiling.

"Werewitch? Really you couldn't come up with anything else?" I shook my head.

"The only other option was a hybrid or witchwolf. Take your pick." 

"Shut up, let's pack up what we need and get the hell out of here. The coven must have sensed them by now. I can set a cloaking spell, but it won't last for long."

We started packing and headed out. We just needed to get out of this town. We started our tracking spell and made our way to my baby daddy. We have been driving for less than forty-eight hours. I for one was tired, and so was Willa. We had a head start before the coven found out about these two buns growing inside of me. It would be at least a day or two before they felt the babies magic and headed after us.

We stopped and got some more food for the road. I grabbed some money and headed inside the gas station. Everything looked good to me, I guess these little ones were hungry. I bought food and headed out. Walking out, everything in front of me went black.

"What the hell?" I said out loud.

"Do you really think you can run from us? We are always with you dear." I hated that voice, I turned around and saw my old coven leader Leah.

"You leave me alone. I'm out of your coven. You have no control over me." I said

"Oh but you see I do. We made a deal, the second you had a set of twins you would return them to us. You understood that in order to leave the Coven you had to make a deal." She said

"How am I even pregnant? I spelled myself making sure I could never have children for this very reason. Unless the coven had something to do with it." I said,

"We weren't going to let you just walk away, how do you think a Coven survives? We make sure no one can leave, and if they do, we make sure they come back. Do yourself and those babies a favor and just come back to us willingly." She said,

"The only way you are getting me and these babies is over my dead body. Follow me if you want, just know I'm not giving up without a fight." I said, "Now get out of my head!" I yelled. My reality came back.

"Woah you okay there?" Willa asked

"Leah just paid me a visit, she knows about them. Our trip just got fast-forwarded. We need to hurry up and find Jonah, his protection means everything." I said, Just like that, we were on the road again, this time no stopping unless necessary, we needed to find him. The fate of both my life and his children were on the line if the Coven found us.

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