Chapter 23

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While I was unconscious, these weird memories came into my head. It was Julian telling me of a plan the same plan I used to get Willa out. At first, I thought my mind was tricking me since I was drugged up and very hungry, but I soon realized that it was my mind telling me that I was used as a pawn. Julian had it all planned. He somehow got into my mind and planted the whole thing making me think it was my idea. He wanted the babies gone, so he could turn me into a full-blown tribrid. Looking at Jonah, I could see that he was hanging in there. I had a feeling Julian didn't want either of us dead. We are part of something, we just don't know what exactly that is yet.

"Jonah." I called out to him. He opened his eyes letting me know he was listening. "I'm gonna get us out of here. I may not have magic, but I do have vampire strength and speed. Whatever he injected us with is wearing off on me faster than it is on you which is why he keeps injecting me. I'm building an immunity to it. I'm done with his mind games and being in this prison. I no longer want to be his prisoner. Your pack needs their Alpha back, and our babies need their parents, so we have to stay strong and we have to escape." I said.

"What's the plan?" He asked, he was weaker than I thought.

"We obviously can't get Julian off guard since he's a smart son of a bitch, but we can get his men off guard. I get the feeling he isn't home, but he will be back soon. One of his men will come down to inject me with more venom to keep me weak, that will be our opportunity. We need to kill him before he has time to warn the others. The only way out is through that door, but it will most likely be guarded. I'll use whatever strength I have to get us out, but once we are out of this house we need to run like hell. Without magic I can't get us that far, but if Willa got to the pack, we can meet them halfway." I said.

"It's not safe for you to be out. The full moon is tomorrow night. Your wolf side will emerge since you're not pregnant anymore. Even if we get far enough, by the time we get anywhere your transformation will trigger. With how weak I am, I won't be able to get us to safety while you're in transition. You'll be vulnerable." he said.

"If it means getting out of here, I'll risk it. I lived most of my childhood without a mother or father. I don't want our kids to grow up the same way. I don't want them to feel like we abandoned them. We have to try." I said.

"Okay." he agreed. The plan was now set in motion. It was quiet for an hour, I wondered if someone would ever come down here. I could feel the strength coming back to me. The upside to being a vampire was my immune system was more advanced meaning this venom wouldn't last long in my body. I realized it after the second injection. I was burning it off quicker than it was injected into me.

The door opened and one of Julian's men came in. He must have been higher up than the rest of the others, because he was always the one Julian trusted to come down here alone. He looked at me with a smug look and grabbed the syringe. I headbutted him causing him to stumble back.

"You bitch." he said, "You'll pay for that". He stabbed me in the side with a demon blade, I held in a yelp as I wrapped my legs around his neck and turned, I wasn't fast enough to snap his neck, but I did knock him to the ground. While he was down, I took it as my opportunity to get out of the chins I was in. I was hooked onto the ceiling, so I pulled down with all my straight and managed to unhook it from the ceiling. The vampire got up and came at me. I took the chains and wrapped them around him pulling him to me, before he could make another move, I injected him and snapped his neck. With the venom also in his system, it woud be a while till he woke up again.

I took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the chian around my arms before getting Jonah down. He wasn't strong enough to hold himself up, so he leaned on me. I could hear the others comig and we stopped moving letting them come into the room. I took them out as they came in. Who knew I had this much strength inside of me. I was clearly stronger and faster than them. Once they were all dead, I grabbed Jonah and we headed out. It was nighttime when we headed into the woods. I needed to get to safety before tomorrow night when the moon was full. I really didn't want to become the monster Julian wanted me to be. I killed all but one of his men, meaning I gave us a big headstart, but I knew that once he was back and he realized we were gone, he woud come for us.

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