Chapter 8

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Jonah's POV

Kenndey was sleeping soundly in the hospital room. Her veins were still turning black, and keeping her asleep was the only way to slow down the process. I had every witch I knew working on finding a solution to this problem. Her friend Willa was set on saving her. I sat up when I heard the rapid beeping of the machine. The doctors rushed in and told me to leave. I paced back and forth in the hall. Willa came up to me.

"What happened?" She asked.

"She started coding, the doctors are in there now trying to stabilize her."

"We have to figure out a way to save her from this. I know you probably do not care, but if she dies, so do their babies and they've done nothing wrong."

"What gives you the impression that I don't care?"

"Other than the fact that a few weeks ago you told her you didn't want the babies? Oh, I don't know, maybe the way you treat her, and how you make her feel on a daily basis."

"I have a pack to run, I can't just let anyone walk all over me and get away with it no matter who they are," I said

"I understand that, but can't you see that she feels like an outsider? I'm great at fitting into place, but Ken has never been able to do the same. If you want her to feel any kind of connection to these wolves or even you for that matter, stop trying to control her. All it ever does is make her angry and she is dangerous when she is angry. You saw her flare up, now imagine if she was really pissed off?"

"Why is it that you and my mother are hell-bent on making me accept these babies and her? Look, I can't say that I will love her just because she is carrying my children. I don't work like that."

"Then why sleep with her in the first place? You could have had any other girl that night, but you chose her." I thought over what she said.

"Maybe your little coven made me pick her, it seems they have a plan for everything anyways," I said.

"We both know that you don't believe that. I'm tired of arguing with you. If you want us gone, just say the words and we will be gone first thing." She said.

"I can't let you leave," I said.

"And why is that?" I could tell she knew the answer, but she wasn't going to let go of it until I said it out loud.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I said.

"Just admit you feel something for her. You've felt it that moment you saw her at the club that night, and you feel it even now."

"I feel nothing for her, and I don't need you to stand here and tell me how I feel." I walked off.

Willa's POV

I watched Jonah walk off, he was clearly not ready to accept how he felt about Kennedy. Someone in his past hurt him badly, and now he feels no one is good enough for him. I just let it go, he would tell her when he is ready. I walked into Ken's room. The doctors had stabilized her, but whatever the coven did was really affecting her. No matter how hard we tried we couldn't reverse it. I hated having so much power but not being able to use it.

I want the coven to pay for what they are doing to her. There is no way they are going to get her. I've looked through all of the grimoires I had and there wasn't even one piece of information on whatever spell this was. It had to be a unique spell. I headed out to the pack archive room, I knew this had to be somewhere, there was no way they were able to perform a spell this powerful and it doesn't exist.

"All of this is useless!" I yelled throwing yet another book onto the pile of books that had no information for me.

"Woah there, those books don't deserve that kind of treatment. They've done nothing wrong." Someone said behind me, I turned around and flung a book at them with my mind.

"I don't have time for stupid jokes," I said.

"I can see that. The anger is radiating off of you right now. Your aura is super red." He said. I turned around and raised an eyebrow to him.

"How would you know what my aura looks like?" I asked.

"I can see it. All around you is red."

"What kind of witch are you?"

"The kind that happens to also be part wolf. I'm Damien in case you were wondering my name which you were."

"So you also read minds too?" I asked.

"Yes I do, and that is a very rude thing to say to a mind reader."

"Your fault for reading my mind."I smiled.

"There's that smile I knew you had. And look at that, your aura is now back to normal."

"What color is my aura normally?" I asked him.

"I think I'll keep that to myself." He said I rolled my eyes.

"Well it was nice talking to you Damien, but I got information to look for."

"Oh about that, I already found the book you're looking for." I turned back to him.

"So you wasted all of my time talking and watched me struggle to find the one book I needed for hours!" He just smiled and handed me the book. Guys are so stupid.

"I heard that," he said.

"Good. I meant for you to hear that. And stay out of my head or I swear to God I will make you regret reading my mind."

"I'll take the warning, but I should probably tell you that I'm the only one who can actually read that book." I opened the book and saw that it was written in a language I didn't know.

"Of course it is. Okay since your the only one who can read this, I guess I will need your help."I said. We looked through the book and found the passage on what was going on with Kennedy. "What does it say?" I asked him.

"Those black veins are slowly killing her from the inside. Once it reaches her heart she will be dead. It can only be reversed by the person who cast it."

"So Leah was right, only the coven can reverse this spell."

A/N: sorry it took so long to upload this chapter, I've been busy with school, but since this whole coronavirus is going g around and I don't have much to do since schools are closed for three weeks, I will try my best to write more chapters.

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