Chapter 10

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It's been a week with the coven, and I was starting to feel as if I made a mistake. I was locked away in a room and hadn't seen any other witch in days. I couldn't do any magic either. I looked out the window at the young witches practicing their magic. It was cute to see faces react every time they got a spell right. I heard a knock at the door and turned, It was Leah.

"Why am I locked away in this room? We made a deal Leah."

"I know, and I intend to keep that deal. Now come there is someone I want you to meet." I followed behind her. She led me to another part of the sanctuary that I've never been in.

"Has this always been here?" I asked her nodded "How come I've never seen this part of the sanctuary before?"

"This part of the sanctuary is hidden by magic from all those unauthorized to come here. If you wouldn't have left when you did, you would have been invited here. It was where all advanced witches go once they are old enough." She explained.

"So it's where you hide all your secrets?"

"Every coven needs a safe place to hide important information. If we were to let the younger witches just walk in here and do whatever it is they wanted this coven wouldn't be standing. We have a lot of shadow books here, and if they were to get into the wrong child's hands, it would be over for our coven and everything around it."

"So who is this person I'm meeting?" I asked her.

"Let's just say he is the most powerful witch anyone has ever seen." We kept walking until we got a weird room. She knocked before going in. I looked around the room and it was filled to the roof with spell books. I was brought out of my amazement by a throat clearing. I looked over to the man, he wasn't what I was expecting. I was thinking of an old witch with a beard and everything, but he was young. He looked to be in his late twenties with a clean-shaven face and dark hair that reached the bottom of his ears.

"You are a lot younger than I imagined," I said out loud. He chuckled.

"I seem to get that a lot. You may leave us now Leah. As for you Kennedy, come join me up here." He said. Leah did as she was told and left the room. I walked up to him. I tripped on the top step and almost fell, the weird man caught me. I quickly got out of his grasp.

"Thank you," I said.

"I hear you want to learn about your family," he stated. I nodded in agreement. "Well, you my dear have come to the right place."

"How is this going to work?"

" We'll have to take a walk in the past. You, my dear, have a complicated family history, but I can show you everything you want to know."

"So you can tell me why I burst into flames and why I have magical blackouts?"

"Those were due to the experiments done on you when you were younger. Your body has too much magic. You can fix it all, it's simple." He said

"Wait, is there a way for me to fix it?" I asked.

"Yes, we will get to that in a little. For now, I need you to close your eyes. I'm going to go into your memories and unlock the part of your brain keeping you from remembering your past."

"What do you mean, I'm pretty sure I remember my past. I remember my mother leaving me for magic and coming to this coven. That pretty much sums up my past." I said.

"What age do you think you came to this coven?" he asked.

"I came here when I was seven," I said.

"And between the time your mother left you and the coven found you, what do you remember?" I thought over the question.

"Nothing. I remember nothing. Wait, you're saying something happened during those two years and I don't remember it."

"When the coven found you you were scared and badly bruised. You were halfway near death. The coven healed you, but no one could figure out what happened to you. You didn't even remember what happened to you. So we took that fear away from you, although we didn't know what you were so afraid of." He explained.

"So whatever happened to me during those two years was completely erased." He nodded. "By who?"

"By you. You erased all of those bad memories. You blocked them deep in your mind where they couldn't hurt you."

"So I locked away my own mind? I didn't even have magic then. How is that possible?" I asked him.

"Only your past can tell us that. I've tried before to unlock your memories, but it nearly killed you. Your subconscious is holding onto those memories and won't let them go. Just know doing this might cost your life and the life of your children." He explained.

"I fit means figuring out what went on in my childhood during those two years I was alone and the coven found me. I will risk it." I said

"Then let's get to work." 

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