Chapter 22

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When I came through the portal I was in the middle of the woods. I couldn't pinpoint where I was exactly, but all I knew was that I had to run and keep running. Something told me I was close to the pack, I just needed to get onto the territory so we would be safe. I guess now I finally understand how Ken feels. Carrying these babies gave me strength and speed I never had before. I could feel the vampires closing in on me. There were three of them all running super fast with the intent to kill. This wolf speed was making me fast, but not fast enough. If only I could use my magic. This cuff I had on was preventing any of it. I could feel the pack was close somehow, it was like I could sense them. I had to keep running a few more feet and we would be safe.

I spoke too soon, before I could step foot into the territory, one of the vampires caught up and grabbed me. I tried to fight my way out of their grip, but it wasn't easy.

"Help!" I yelled. I could sense the other wolves. They were unsure if they should step in or not. "It's Willa! Kennedy and Jonah need our help!" I yelled. I knew that would get their attention. They sprang to action and surrounded the vampires.

"One more step and I snap her neck." the vampire holding me said.

"Were a lot faster than you are, and we got you surrounded. I suggest you let the girl go." I was kinda offended that he called me a girl.

I knew that even with how fast they were and their numbers. I would be left dead on the ground and so would these babies. Men always want to make matters worse.

I swung my head back and hit the vampire who had a hold on me. Once his grip on me loosened, I turned around quickly and snapped his neck. The other vampires were apprehended soon after. "You seem to know how to handle yourself." Looking at him, I could see that it was the Beta.

"Being a damsel in distress is not my thing. I knew I couldn't outrun them for long. I just needed to get your attention. Besides you guys sure took your time helping. I sensed you guys miles back I know you were watching." I said.

"We sensed the vampires, and we didn't know if you really needed help or if it was a trick. Good to see you again Willa. Now, where are Alpha Jonah and Kennedy?"

"I don't actually know. I jumped out of a portal like an hour ago and have been running from those vampires ever since. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm pregnant and it isn't easy running while pregnant." I said.

"You guys have only been gone two months, how are you this pregnant?" He asked me.

"How about I tell you everything after I've had a shower and possibly a nap,"I said walking towards the packhouse. He just laughed and followed me.

After a long shower and an even longer nap, I was sitting in the kitchen explaining everything that happened.

"As you may have observed, I'm pregnant. Like really pregnant, but the babies aren't mine." I said. Everyone looked confused.

"What does that even mean?"Liam asked raising his eyebrows.

"It means she is carrying the future of this pack. Those babies she is carrying are my grandchildren." Olivia said walking in.

"How are you carrying them?" I rolled my eyes at his  question.

"You wanna answer that? Or should I?"I looked over at Olivia.

"I'll let you take that one."she said.

"The reason I'm carrying these precious little werewolf hybrids, is because Kennedy did a spell. She transferred the babies to me before I went through the portal. She knew only one of us could get out, and also that psychopath would kill them the minute he had a chance."

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