Arc 3.1 - Luther Abravel

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Before our protagonist could even find the chance to receive and review the world plot, a hot-searing pain ripped across his back. It burned like hell! He couldn't help but immediately give out a cry in pain. The whip slammed at his back once again. His skin ripped and tore. Through the pain, he could feel the cold shackles chaining his arms up as he tugged on them.

Again the whip slashed down against his skin, his eyes widened to a new level as he tugged his arms more to try and escape the blast of pain. His throat contracted but not a sound came out, blood and saliva escaped his mouth.

The whip was brought down again and again until he could barely feel his back as it became numb from the assault.

Finally, it stopped.

He could barely register the pair of footsteps walking closer to stop in front of him.

His chopped hair was pulled back, bringing his flushed, bruised face up to view his assaulter. And at the same time blood, puke, urine, feces and human decay exactly the scent of rotting flesh immediately assaulted his nose.

This situation is not one he was prepared to face so suddenly.

The man sneered at him and his mouth moved to speak sharp, cold words. But our protagonist couldn't hear him. His eyes completely blurred out everything and his awareness of the outside world slowed down until he felt his consciousness slip out.

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In this world, there are four kingdoms that almost equally conquer the world. All four kingdoms have always fought vicious wars with one another to be the most powerful, to reign over the others with the most land and the most possessions.

Insatiable greed with no end.

However, this generational cycle broke once the two kingdoms, Targona and Avrailum proposed an engagement between the two royal families. Young Princess Almira Genesis of the Targona Kingdom and the first prince Reid Cerulean of the Avrailum Kingdom were to be engaged to form an eternal alliance.

When the powerful neighbouring kingdoms' princess learns that she is to wed the first prince of another kingdom for the sake of an alliance, especially to a man to whom she doesn't love, she devised a scheme to have her personal maid, who shared the same body type and a few similar features with the princess, to go in her place. Disguising the maid as herself to marry the crown prince instead of her.

This wasn't the first time princess Almira Genesis used her personal maid to escape her responsibilities as a princess by putting the maid in the princess role. The maid did so often and had yet to be discovered.

This personal maid is our very Female Lead.

She had resisted. She didn't want to go to that kingdom. Ever since the princess found her on the streets, she entered the Targona palace as the princess's personal maid, she promised herself to live low key, without any trouble, only to help her master. The Female Lead hid her birth name, changing it to some common one the citizens of Targona often chose to name their children. She did her best to work well in the chaotic environment of the palace and do her best to train as a well respected maid of the princess. She followed all the rules, all her master's wishes and kept to herself.

It all came crashing down to the ground once she was told of the plan by the princess.

She was extremely reluctant, having no intention on following the insane plan that her princess came up with. She told her master very clearly and respectfully in a solemn tone about how dangerous this idea was. The fact that not only the Female Lead but also the princess had a chance to be executed for the deception and bring their Targona kingdom to war with the Avrailum kingdom was horrid to even think about much less risk the chance. This wasn't like the other times the princess put the maid in disguise, this was a completely different matter. Our female lead did her best to dissuade her master of the idea.

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