Arc 1.18 - Alex McGuire

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The inside of the apartment was quite luxurious and upscale (modernness oozed out of the whole view) definitely more so than Alex's. Black acrylic, glass and stone formed this dark and sophisticated undertone around the apartment interior. It was VERY nice.

Alex took off his shoes and threw his bag and jacket on the sofa. He walked up the stairs with marshmallow step. Finding the doorway to his deeply wanted desire, he pushed it open and walked over to the bedside. Just when he arrived close enough to see the face of the lump on the bed, his view suddenly changed.

His neck was being squeezed with a vice-like death grip. His breathing was caught, making him choke even more, he was completely unprepared for this sudden attack.

He struggled only a little bit and the grip on his neck grew tighter so tight he was going to pass out. His stomach was also being held down by a knee trying to dig itself inside. So he decided to stop. He stopped moving, breathing, and trying to get out of this hold.

Alex could see that Eric wasn't awake, much less aware of what was happening around him. He was acting purely out of an animal-like instinct. Plus, Alex still had some hope that the 'Guaranteed Life Package' would start doing it's job soon.

Sensing as Alex wasn't moving was when Eric loosened his hand.

A large gasp was heard followed by a fit of violent coughing.

These sounds completely woke Eric up. He looked around and at their current position when it dawned on him what had happened.

Immediately, getting off of Alex, he backed away staring at him wide eyed.

"*COUGH COUGH* Hehehe *COUGH* hahahahah." Alex began laughing amidst his coughing, like he was insane. He still had his body half laid on top of the bed. Propping up on his elbows. He leaned back and tilted his head so his narrowed green-eyes looked at Eric, with a smirk.

"Hehehe, well hello to you too hot stuff."

"Ale- I-I... Are you okay?...Why? Damn it! Where have you been?! Why the fuck didn't you answer your phone?!! WHY!?"

"I'm sure Vasco told you something-"


"Alright, I won't say his name." He said this very calmly in a soothing voice as he looked at Eric directly in his eyes.

"How could you just leave!? Especially after doing all that stuff! You didn't even try to contact me and left the country without a word! Who does that?!"

Alex saw how flustered and emotional he was right now. It shocked him. He would never have thought that Eric would be genuinely worried and mad to the point of almost crying. He quickly stood up and walked over to him.

Holding onto Eric shoulders, Alex looked into his slightly glassy deep blue eyes.

"Vanishing like that, and that TEXT MESSAGE?! That wasn't you! Who wrote that?!...Did you think that you were going to get away with that?"

"Hey, hey, I know, calm down,"

"Did you think that I would accept that?! That I... That I wouldn't feel anything..."

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