Arc 1.23 - Alex McGuire

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Standing outside were several people. They were Eric's men, the same ones who had kidnapped Leo and had been guarding the area for the past three days. Among them was John Roise, Eric's officially secretary as a lawyer and his right-hand man as a mafia leader.


"Good work, John. Keep having some shifts around here until we're certain of Leo White not escaping."


Alex narrowed his eyes and they passed by John and his group. He's been feeling some dirty looks directed at himself when they first appeared here and especially in front of this group. Only now he confirmed they were coming from John alone. He doesn't know why, but John definitely has a problem with him.

"Are you going to tell me everything you know?"


"How do you know my identity? And Philip Chromast? Who are you?"

Chuckling, Alex shook his head "Of course, the 'mission-complete' reward... I can tell you that I have some skills with hacking. If I want to know something, there isn't much in this world I can't know about."

"That's it? I don't believe that just hacking around can find ou-" Eric's phone suddenly rang, just in time to interrupt him from interrogating Alex for long.

"We'll continue this conversation later." He walked away to take the call. It was an unknown phone number, so he had to take it privately. He never knows if it's a dangerous person or not when an unknown phone number calls. He doesn't exactly give out his private phone number to people he doesn't know, so it's unlikely to be like that.

When Eric had walked a long distance away from earshot, John told the group off and advanced towards Alex with an arrogant expression, completely different from his earlier emotionless and strict military like attitude.

'Why do I feel like there's a butt load of drama coming?'

"You better stay away from Eric." This was a threat and Alex broke into a small laugh at this ridiculous situation of a jealous woman picking on the innocent female lead.

"Well, hello to you too. Is this always how you start a conversation with others?" Alex tried to be friendly as he had no reason to hostile unlike the person in front of him.

"I'm warning you right now. You'd best take heed to it, otherwise..."


"You know what happens to the guy who's in cahoots with the boss? Nothing good."

Chuckling, Alex looked John up and down in amusement, "speak for yourself~"

"You bastard! Your just some petty orphan that was raped, you should stay in your place."

Alex immediately dropped his smile and his face lost any expression, becoming colder than ice at that remark. He kept his stare on John and stepped closer to him.

"Petty orphan that was raped? Then you..."

[He was an unloved child since young and had killed his parents! It's a secret that's been weighing him down all his life!]

"an unloved child and parent killer. What's the difference between you and me? That right. Nothing."

[Plus he has a secret crush on Eric ever since he first met him!]

"Actually, I'm wrong. The difference between you and I? Eric belongs to me. He's mine and not yours. Think about your next words 'Very' carefully. Someone might get hurt."

Who Are You?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora