Arc 2.11 - Grayson Hale

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"You ready?"

Grayson nodded firmly.


The man shuffled closer to Grayson and leaned in close.

"It's been so long since we've done this."

The man put his hands on Grayson's chest and gripped at the clothes, then looked straight into those beautiful grey eyes.

"Your going to have the time of your life."

"Do it!" Grayson grinned widely.

"I love you."

Grayson squeezed the hand on his chest reassuringly.

"Stay safe, little brother!"

With that Lakis harshly pushed Grayson out of the plane and watched as he fell several kilometres down to the earth at an alarming speed.
(A/N: Did I try too hard or did I manage to trick you? Lol)

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"WOOO! What a fucking rush!"

Grayson laughed as he maneuvered his limbs to keep himself afloat after landing into the sea. His parachute floated near him and drifted away as he untied himself of it. He felt exhilarated, he could tell why the original Grayson loved doing this stuff, it felt so amazing and free!

Lakis has also joined him, but he had the misfortune of being engulfed in a big wave right after he landed in the sea a few dozen meters away from Grayson. His parachute and Lakis's own parachute entangled with each other with Lakis himself in the centre still trying to get his bearings after landing.

A boat raft came to their rescue not long after, they were brought back to the small island they were just wingsuit flying over. Grayson took off his helmet and his wingsuit, ruffling up his wet hair he turned to look at Lakis scowling at his wingsuit.

 Grayson took off his helmet and his wingsuit, ruffling up his wet hair he turned to look at Lakis scowling at his wingsuit

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"I almost crashed into the cliff-faces!"

"It's your fault for going too low to the earth. It's good your parachute saved your life and followed me into the sea otherwise your ass would've been shish kebab!"

"So meaaaan!!"

Grayson sneered, "you could've died. I'm younger than you and I have more common sense, learn some shame."

"Oh my god, you brat! You did not jus-"

"Yes, I did. George, I think he needs the medic, he might've hit his head and lost his sense of fear." Grayson glared at Lakis.

George laughed at the two bickering with each other and packed away their things on plane. George is their pilot and their friend. He always tags along whenever the two brothers decide to do something exciting. He came back and patted Grayson's shoulder, "It's fine now, he's still alive and well, he'll learn from this next time."

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