Arc 3.5 - Luther Abravel

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"Sister! What do we do?" The boy held the unconscious man's bleeding head, frantically looking at his sister with panicked eyes.

"Uh..." the little girl swivelled her head around the forest in distraught. "I-I don't- I don't know!"

They were both heaving of exhaustion from their escape, sweat and dirt covered their faces. And they were panicked, alone in this huge forest with trees towering over them so high they could barley see the sky.

"It's not stopping!" He cried out. His hands were covered in blood, trying in vain to put pressure on the head wound. "There's so much of it!"

His face was scrunched up, covered in tears, they kept spilling out of his large eyes. Breathes hitching every other moment.

"Remember what mother told us- keep pushing on it. I'll... wait!" The little girl tried to rip her dress to act as a cloth but she wasn't strong enough to tear it apart. Her hands let go off her dress helplessly. She wanted to cry too! She didn't know what to do or how to help the Mister and now they might get caught because she wasn't doing anything!

"I'm going to look around for herbs or a shelter, anything! We can't let Mister die! Don't let go of him and stay here okay?"

"Sister no! What if they-"

"I'm not going far, I promise. But you can't leave Mister here alone."

More tears spilled down his face, but he understood that they needed to stop Mister from bleeding and find a place to hide. "Don't go too far sister. Please, Eira" he sniffed.

"I won't. I promise." She looked directly into her brothers eyes, then turned to leave.

She begun to look around the area, jogging out no more than 200 meters from the two on the ground, trying to find something, anything that could help to stop the bleeding. But only grass, logs, moss, bush-


Eira quickly scoured over to the log and ripped off the moss stuck onto it, grabbing full handfuls. Quickly she ran back, "Move, Arye!" He moved his hands off the Misters forehead and immediately moss was rubbed into the wound. He put his hands back on top of the moss, adding pressure.

Running back to get more moss, the little girl suddenly stopped. Her eyes lit up as she quickly made her way around the logs and her face quickly spread into a smile.

The logs all piled in each other formed a small burrow but big enough for humans.

With hope fuelling her determination she ran back and relayed the information to her younger brother.

But now the problem was moving the Mister.

Arye carefully let his hands off the Mister's forehead and sagged in relief as more blood didn't seem to be soaking out of the moss anymore. They both replaced the moss and then stood up.

"He's heavy."

"We need to do this. We must. Let's pick him up from his arms."

"Sister... He has too many injuries- barley any of his skin looks unharmed."

"I told you that we must." Her face scrunched up in distress, "if not the soldiers then wild beasts will eventually find us here to kill us. We can use the moss... We can't let him die, he saved us."

Arye rubbed the tears off his face with his forearms, "I don't want him to die."

"Then we carefully pick him up." A determined glint passed over them.

They both took a side and heaved the Mister into a sitting position where they hooked their arms through his underarm and pulled.


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