Arc 1.5 - Alex McGuire

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It's been a few days since Alex met the protagonists. Not much has happened since then, the project that both companies were investing in is beginning at a normal pace. Alex was too caught up with his work, he almost couldn't make any time to check on the protagonists so he had Parasite stalk them, noting down their every move.

Sherry seems to be planning to secretly buy some of Roland Enterprises stock market. Brendon was taking it slow and wasn't aware of his fiancée's plans. And Eric? He kept the phone number given to him, but never intends to actually call. All the while, discretely helping out the Female Lead.

"*Sigh* seems like I need to find another way to get close with Eric."

Alex seemed to be completely relaxed, absolutely not at all bothered by the fact Amelia has been shooting death glares at his way every few minutes. It's been happening nonstop for the past few days. Even after she beat Alex up ruthlessly (of course, she remembered to hit the places not visible) after he refused to tell her about Matthew, she still wasn't satisfied.

"Do you have nothing to say for your self?"

"Are you still mad?"

"You left. Without me."

(A/N: lol, I completely forgot about Amelia while finishing the last chapter! XD)

"You already abused me," Alex placed a hand on his shoulder and his stomach, all the while looking pitiful,

"what more do you need? I'm sor--" he was cut off by Ameilia screaming like a banshee,

"YOU TOOK THE CAR! LEFT ME STRANDED THERE! Don't think a sorry is going to cut it." Alex felt slightly guilty, but what's done has been done and it can't be undone.

"This beauty had to call a taxi which took almost an hour to get there!" A good half an hour passed due to Amelia ranting out all her grievances.

Alex was patiently listening to it with a guilty and pitiful expression, like he was regretting it.

However, the reality:

'Damn, I get it. This woman is now abusing me mentally..*sigh*...she really needs to get some peace.'

'Parasite, why hasn't Eric contacted me yet?'

[The second male lead has been busy helping the female lead and hasn't thought of anything else]

'Figures... tell me where he's at right now and give me his phone number.'

After getting his information, a smirk slowly crawled up his face.

Standing up, Alex put a hand on Amelia's shoulder cutting off her rant,

"I know that you tend to hold grudges for a while, and I don't expect you to get over it like that. As forgiveness I'll treat you. Let's go to your favourite club."


In a private room at the night club

The blasting music and sounds from the people downstairs was completely soundproofed. Vibrations from the deep bass could still be felt and the lights and lasers were still going crazy in the darkly lit room.

Brendon had a glass of alcohol that kept being refilled from frustration.

"It's all that guys fault! Who the hell does he think he is? Tryna sabotage my plan? ILL KILL HIM!!"

Clearly he was drunk, so Sherry paid him no mind while looking through social media on her phone. She came upon one of the trending topics.

"Speak of the devil," she sneered.

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