Arc 1.4 - Alex McGuire

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Their boss...he was smiling! WHAT!?

Matthews crew was completely shocked as their boss was always so serious and cold to almost everyone. They all wondered who this man was to make their tyrannical boss in a good mood.

They were currently in a private room that was in the VVIP section in the restaurant.

"So why are you here? I figure you're not here to just eat." Alex subtly looked at the other businessmen.

"We're here for a meeting. A promising company has asked for collaboration, we're here to discuss that with them." Alex hummed in understanding, then got up.

"Well then, since your here for important business, I won't bother you lot for long." Alex smiled, heading towards the door after Amelia took the hand he was holding out for her.

"Wait a minute, can't you help? I could use it."

"No way. I finally got some time to relax and you want me to work more?" Alex looked at Matthew exasperated.

"Oh come on, please? Aren't we friends?" Matthew got up and put an arm around Alex's should and shoved him back into his chair. It was clear that Matthew wasn't going to let Alex leave. Amelia was speechless, she never knew Alex was friends with such a person, he never mentioned a thing about it and by looking at their casual attitudes towards each other, it was like they've been friends for years.

Shaking his head, he didn't bother to care anymore. 'Sigh, it seems I have to find another chance to get in contact with Eric Quincy,' he thought that he could meet him at this restaurant and finish the task of becoming friends with Eric quickly since it seemed to be the easiest one, but it'll have to wait for another time.

"Your paying for everything." Matthew laughed at the comment, he knew that Alex would say something like that, after all, Alex would never leave a chance to get free food.

Seeing that Alex wasn't resisting anymore Amelia also sat down in the seat she was in before.

"So... How do you two know each other?" She asked the very question hanging on everyone's mind.

"Oh? We're childhood friends, ever since...about elementary school." Matthew replied. He alway's kept some information to himself such as them being foster brothers once, or meeting in certain places. He was paranoid like that, considering his past, it wouldn't be as much of a surprise.

"How come I've never heard about this?" It must be known that Matthew Roland is surrounded by the paparazzi and has almost a third of his private life completely known to outsiders. They were always on the guys' trail. Of course, there are exceptions with well-hidden secrets and most private things - Alex could be considered an exception. Besides, Amelia was Alex's manager, it was expected that she knew everything about him, especially the people he surrounded himself with.

"Well, I try to keep my private friendships private." Matthew smiled while vaguely answering.

Amelia nodded in understanding, deciding it was wise to not continue questioning anymore. She would ask Alex about it later. Even if she had to beat it out of him, she would.

A server knocked on the door and came in. "Sir, some people are requesting to see you, claiming to be here for a meeting?"

"Let them in."

The waitress went out for a moment and came back with two men and a woman. Matthew gestured for them to take a seat and food also began to be served.

"I hope it's ok that I ordered for you."

"Of course Mr. Roland, its no problem at all."

Alex squinted at them while drinking out of his wine glass. He stared completely without reserve.

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