Midnight Horrors

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I quickly drew the curtains of the window. My heart did a flip-flop.  Who was it? 

Was it the mad man? 

Gathering courage, I drew the curtain aside. There was no one outside. Somewhere, a dog gave a savage howl. My head was spinning. I climbed into my bed. Tommy was fast asleep beside me . It was very cold and his warm coat was very soothing.

The alarm went off by 6:30. My mother was dressing Nick for school. I rolled my eyes. Making new friends was the biggest task for me. I looked out of the window. It was snowing. A hand touched the window from the other side. I stepped away in surprise.

'Kat, kat ,' said mom.

'Yes,' i said.

'I called you thrice. Are you ok?,' she asked.

I nodded.

'I have been chosen as an apointee in Sofia's parlour,' said mom adjusting Nick's tie.

Wow,' i exclaimed.

'The parlour is close to your school. i will pick you up after 1:00,' she said.

The school looked boring and uninviting. 'Have a good day,' said mom with a big smile on her face.

'Same to you,' I muttered under my breath.

I saw a gang of girls staring at me. One of them had a blonde hair.She was gorgeous. I lowered my eyes as I passed them.

'Are you Katherine Williams?,' called someone . I turned back. I stood face to face with a stout woman dressed in black from head to toe. She was wearing a bright red lipstick and had a boycut.. She looked somewhat in mid-thirties.

'I am your class teacher, Mrs.Berett. Come with me,' she said.

I followed her obediently. She gestured towards the classroom.

As i stepped into the class, i heard whispers. My face glowed red. I got seated on one of the back benches.

At break, the blonde came to my seat. Her gang followed her.

'You live in the haunted house, right?,' she questioned.

'No, I live in Lovely Villa,' I replied.

She rolled her eyes. 'Don't try to be friends with us'.

'I can find better friends than you,' I replied.

'The ghost must be a good friend. Don't act smart,' she sneered.

'You----,' i started.

'Bella, Jason is calling you,' said someone.

I saw the blonde's eyes gleam with joy. She started jumping as if Jason was a celebrity. She quickly ran away. The gang scurried and i was relieved.

I had misplaced the locker keys that were handed to me by Mrs.Berett. i had to search the whole classroom and found them in my jeans pocket. Blow! I got a sound scolding from Mrs.Berett. 

'You are an irresponsible child!'

'How was your day?,' asked mom on our way back home.

'Superb!,' exclaimed Nick. 'I made two new friends.'

'What about you, dear?,' she asked me.

'None,' I muttered.

'You will get adjusted soon,' she reassured.

'I don't think so. Girls don't want to be friends with me cause' we live in a haunted house. They gasp at me as if i was the ghost!'

'Nonsense! The villa is as lovely as the name suggests'

As i passed the lake, my eyes searched for the mad man. But there ws no sign of him. I was so relieved. A jackdaw crowed somewhere. The sky was covered by dark clouds. There was some sort of stillness in the air. I felt as if the wind was whispering something evil into my ears. I felt someone keeping an eye on me.

Tommy greeted us with barks. After lunch, mom headed to the parlour again. Anita had messaged me.

'how was ur 1st day @ schl?'

'I didnt make a single friend.'

'Dats bad. i mis u . Anyway, hw was ur bday?'

'yup, i forgot to tel u. Mom gifted me a puppy.'

'Finally u got a pet dog. happy4 u. Howz Southampton?'

'Very boring. u hardly notice ppl on d streets & it snows d whole dae.''

I hesitated whether to mention the mad man to Anita or not. Better not!

'No shopping malls, theatres?'


'Then come back'

'I want 2 bt can't'

Hmmm. I'm going to hv lunch. bye!'

'see you'

I opened my laptop . I typed 'Real Ghost Stories" on Google. There was a story of Sophia Norms, 21.

"Sophia had gone on a tour to Mexico. She desperately wanted a room to check in. She checked in a room in 'Starling Hotel'. The receptionise had warned her about the ghost in room no: 305. The room was locked forever after a couple was found hanging from the fan. Many peple had witnessed the ghost in the room. The room was unavailable. The receptionist handed Sohia the keys as she wantes to spend only a night at the hotel .

The next morning, 15th February, Sophia was found in the bath tub covered in blood. Big letters 'Don't dare to enter this room were scribbled on the floor.

After this incident, the hotel was closed forever. After few days, the receptionist was missing!"

I shuddered. What a story!

'Kat, I and Grandma are going for a walk by the lake,' said Grandpa.

I panicked. 'No, don't go there. It's not safe. The la- la- lake has frozen right? So,So w-what if it gives away if y-y-you try to walk on it. You will fall,' I stammered and bit my tongue for uttering nonsense.

Grandpa was shocked. He came close to me and placed his hand on my forehead. I rolled my eyes.

'I don't have fever,' I said pushing  his hand away.

'Then you are you talking rubbish? Why would I walk on ice?'

I was a fool. I just didn't want my grandparents to meet the mad man or else they would be scared. Very scared!

Nick was watching "Spongebob and the squarepants'. Tommy was fast asleep. I made hot cocoa for myself and noodles for Nick. I sat on the sofa sipping it.

'Don't make that noise,' Yelled Nick. 

My grandparents didn't meet the mad man. They sounded very happy after the walk. I smiled. So far, everything was alright. 

Night came. I thought about the shadow I had seen the last night. Maybe i imagined it. I dozed off!

At midnight, I jumped when I heard music outside my room.

Scary music which could give you the goosebumps!

Too exciting. Go on. Start reading the next chapter . It's going to be more exciting.

Beware The Haunted HouseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant