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'Kat,are you awake?'

I was relieved to hear Jason's voice.He turned on the light.

I squinted my eyes.

He was surprised to see me sitting on the bed,wide awake.

'Kat, are you alright?,; he asked desperately.

'A nightmare,' i replied.

'Not again,'he said sitting beside me.

He took me into his arms.I rested my head on his shoulder.

'Jason, promise me that you will never ever leave me alone,' I said looking into his mesmerizing eyes.

'Never,'he said

I was not surprised to find Jason not by my side when i woke up the next day. I assumed that he must have gone to Nick's room after i fell asleep.

 I had slept in peace.No ghosts! No horror!

I smelled bacon frying in the kitchen and quickly climbed out of my bed and got dressed.

'Good morning,mom,' i said.

'Dear, how are you feeling now?,' she asked.

'Much better,' i said smiling. 'Where is Jason?'

'He left home early morning--to get ready for the day. I pleaded him to have breakfast but he didn't listen to me. He said he will come later,' she replied, placing the bacon on the plate.

My whole family had breakfast together.The wall was blank where the Tv was fixed once. Someone had removed the pieces of glass and cleaned the floor.

'We have to report about the burglar to the police,' said grandpa.

'No need of that, grandpa. I didn't see his face and the police won't be much help. I hope he won't return.'

'No, it's serious. We have to take some action.'

'I____,' i started.

'We will talk about it later, Kat. Now quickly finish the breakfast,' said mother.

We remained quiet. Later, i headed to my room to complete my homework.

After an hour, someone knocked the door.

'Come in,' i said.

It was mother. She was well-dressed and looked pretty.

'I'm going to attend Nick's PTM. Grandparents are also coming with me. So, you also get ready. I don't want to leave you alone after this incident,' she said, wearing the watch.

'Mom, i feel a bit tired. I don't want to come,' i said.

'Okay, i will ask grandma to stay with you,' she said.

'Mom, no need of that. I will ask Jason to come over for an hour or two,' i replied.

She considered the thought.

'Fine. Take care,' she said closing the door after her.

I recalled the ghosts' warning. We have to leave the house soon but what was their problem?

Why are they haunting the house?

They will surely return again. I must do something to stop them. But how?

I must not let my family know about them. Anyway, they only appear in front of me.

Suddenly, i heard laughter and the vase on the table fell down. I jumped.

The curtis family came into view,floating in the air-looking so deadly.

My hand reached for the rosary around my neck. I didn't know how to react-so i sat on the bed,staring at them. I was sure that they won't be able to harm me.

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