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I quickly paced upstairs. I checked out my grandparent's room.

'Tommy,' i called. No, he was not there. Granpa had gone to take a stroll by the lake. He must have informed me in case he took Tommy along with him. I peeped into Nick's room. I was not surprised to find it in a mess. The sheets were unfolded and a pair of dirty socks was lying on the floor. I groaned and headed to mom's room. He was nowhere to be seen. 

I grew tense. 'Tom, Tommy'

I headed downstairs. 'Nick, where is Tommy?,' i asked.

'I thought he was in your room. I don't remember if he was with me the last night-er- maybe or maybe not,' he said. 

I hunched my shoulders and raised my eyebrows. 'Tom was not in my room last night. He's lost!'

'Hey sis, don't fret! Grandpa might have taken Tommy along with him.'

The doorbell rang and i quickly ran towrds the door. I saw Grandpa staring at me confused. 'I found him near the lake,' he said.

'Tommy! ,' i cried pulling him into a hug. 'I was so tensed, you naughty dog.'

'How did he go to the lake?,' asked Nick.

'Beats me. i can't understand how he wandered out of the house. Kat, you must keep him tied,' said Grandpa.

After few seconds, the doorbell rang again. Nick opened the door. 

'Jason!,' i cried.

'Hey,' he said grinning.

'I was not expecting you,' i said surprisingly.

'What about our skiing plans?,' he asked raising his eyebrows.

'Oh gosh! I was aware about it this morning- when i woke up- but ---,' i said apologetically.

Nick stared at me angrily.

'What?,' i asked.

'Why didn't you tell me that you were going for skiing?'

I rolled my eyes.

'I'm also coming,' he said folding his hands.

'No, you are not coming,' i said.

'Kat, you better get ready,' interrupted Jason.

My face reddened and i rushed to my  room to get ready.

When i came out, i saw Nick grinning at me. He was wearing his shoes.

'Are you coming with us?,' i asked.

'Yup, Jason said i can come and Jimmy is coming too,' he said happily.

'We will pick up Jimmy from my house,' said Jason.

'Good,' i replied even though i didn't like the idea of taking Nick along with me.

Jason's lived near the lake. I asked Jason if there was an another route to his house and he gave a negative reply.

'Are you afraid of the lake?,' he asked.

'Yes, I get nervous when i see it- my body starts shaking- i get goosebumps- frozen as if---,' i started.

He slipped his hand into mine. He entwined his fingers with mine. My face turned as red as rose.

'Feeling better?,' he asked.

All i did was nod and blushed.

A woman opened the door for us. She had striking features. She was one of the charming ladies i had ever seen. She had big blue eyes and a perfect figure. She was well dressed and composed in manner. She had shaggy eyebrows and a wart on her nose.

'Mom, this is Katherine,' he said kissing her on the cheek.

'Come in dear,' she said.

The house was lovely and cozy. It didn't have much furniture but was beautifully decorated. Jimmy was not interested in skiing. So Nick decided to spend time with him playing video games.

'My brother is a nuisance. I will take him along with me,' i protested.

'He is a sweet kid. Well mannered and helpful,' said Mrs.Drew flashing a smile.

'Please, let me stay here. Only for two hours,' pleaded Nick.

I had to let him stay there and i and Jason haeded out. Jason stabbed the poled into the ground and slid the skis back and forth. His bindings were working nicely.

'Ready?,' he asked me.

I nodded pulling the yellow tinted goggles over my eyes.

WHOOSH! I strode forward, my legs slightly bent to the knee. My arms and  legs soon fell into a smooth rythm. I glided over the snow, arms swinging like a pendulum and legs pushing, then recovering.

'You are doing good,' shouted Jason from behind.

'YOOH-HOO,' he cried and charged ahead the leafless trees. I felt the cold air expand my lungs. The sun was out and the snow glistened and twinkled in the light.

Jason ducked under a tree branch.'Watch your head,' he called out.

'Got it,' i replied.

I took the trail as fast as i could. Up hills, i had to splay my skis like a duck and walk my way to the top. I could hear Jason ahead me, the shush of his skis on the snow and the bite of each pole digging into the ground. Once again, we went down a steep hill. I picked up speed. 

The pine trees whistled past. The skis tracked and bounced over the rocks beneath the snow. Coming to a curve, i leaned into it, brushing a thorn with my shoulders. I missed a twig on my way and lost balance. I shrieked and rolled down the ski jump. I took Jason along with me and we both rolled downhill. I was screaming madly. My head was spinning. I rubbed my head and tried to sit straight.

'What a fall!,' i cried.

'Ah,' moaned Jason.

'Jason, are you alright?,' i asked hurrying to him.

'My eyes. Ouch!,' he cried.

I leaned down to check his eyes. Without warning, Jason threw a snowball at me. I heard him laughing. I threw a snowball at him and it missed him. Soon, we started a snowball fight! I kept on throwing snowballs at him.

'Stop,' he cried laughing. He started chasing me.

I'm an athlete. You can't catch me,' i said smiling.

I slipped and fell headlong into the snow.

'See, i caught you,' he said lying beside me. I was laughing so much that my stomach hurt.

'Don't trying skiing again,' he joked.

'You don't try snow fighting again,' i said.

The snowballs rained once again.

'Enough,' i cried brushing snow off my heaad.'What's the time?'

'Oh my gosh! Two hours have passed,' he said.

'So fast?,' i asked disappointed.

'Yeah, let's head home,' he said carrying the skis.

I nodded. I had enjoyed so much. 

'You are awesome,' said Jason on our way back home.

I smiled. No boy had praised me before. Jason took my hand as we passed the lake. 

I blushed. Was i in love with Jason?


So here the love story begins. But Katherine can not stay happy forever. A surprise is waiting for her back in Lovely Villa.  Katherine finds out something which was not to be found!

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