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I gasped for air. I slowly opened my eyes. A nightmare! i saw worried eyes peering down at me. 

I saw Jason standing right next to me. My head was bandaged and the muscles in my body ached.

'Mom,' i whispered.

'Honey, are you alright? you have been unconscious for two days,' she said.

I was shocked. I was knocked out for two days! Now it seemed to be evening. 

'What day is it?,' i asked.

'Sunday,' replied mom in a monotone voice.

Oh my gosh! i didn't attend school and Jason had returned from Albia. 

'What's the matter, Kat? we found the Tv in pieces,' she said sulkily.

'Er-- a burglar,' i lied.

Mom panicked. 'A burglar? How?---,' she started.

'Mrs.Williams. i think we must allow her to take some rest,' said Jason.

He was my saviour.

'I will go and call the doctor,' said mom and left the room. My grandparents followed her.

Jason was the only person in my room.

'Hey Jason. Good to see you again,' i said managing a smile..

I saw tears in his eyes. He came and sat beside me.

'I must not have left you,' he said.

'Hey, Jason. I'm fine. Don't worry. The burglar----'

'I know it wasn't a thief. The ghosts right?,' he said. 'I saw the rosary around your neck.'

I looked down at the rosary. He pulled me into his arms and entwined his fingers in mine. 

'How scared i was when i turned to school yesterday and you were not there. I broke down when i tried your phone and you didn't pick up,' he said holding me tighter.

'Oh Jason, i'm fine,' i assured him.

'I love you, Kat,' he said planting a kiss on my cheek. 

'I love you more,' i replied.

I leaned on him. and narrated him the whole incident.

'You had a nightmare of Bella being dragged away?,' he asked.

'Ya. it seemed real,' i said shivering.

'You better rest now,' he said pulling away from me.

I grabbed hid T-shirt. 'Don't go.'

'I will but you......,' he started but his voice trailed off  and my eyes closed.

it was 9:00 by the time i woke up. I saw Jason sitting on the armchair. 

'Jason, you didn't go home?,' i asked. 

'No, your mom asked me to stay here since no one is there at my house,' he said smiling. ' I will go and ask your mom to lend me your medicines.'

I nodded. He came back in a minute handing a glass of water in one hand and a packet in the other.

I swallowed the tablets along with water.I felt better.

'Do you think the ghosts might return?,'he asked.

'Yup,anytime. Maybe tonight,' I whispered.

'They will kill everyone,'i said trembling.

Jason took me in his arms.

'Don't worry. We will face them together.Now that i'm here,no one can harm you,'he said hugging me.

'You must leave now. It's not safe for you to be here,' i said feeling tired suddenly.

He rolled his eyes.

'Jason__it's serious_________,' i started.

'You listen. Your mom forced me to stay here. I'm not going anywhere,'he said sternly.

'It's dangerous,' i said sweat rolling down my forehead.

'The rosary thing saved you right?,' he asked.

i nodded. I gasped when i saw that he was not wearing it.

'Jason,go and get one from my mother,now,' i said.

'I don't need it,' he said.

'No, you need it,' i replied.

'Fine. What will your mom think of me? This boy is asking for a rosary? She will think i'm probably nuts,' he said mimicking my mother.

I rolled my eyes.

'She will not even ask what do you want it for,' i said.

He studied my face and left the room silently.

He returned wearing a rosary. I heaved a sigh of relief.

'I will be sleeping in your brother's room,' he said.'Now goodnight and no more nightmares,'he said.

I smiled.

'Jason,'i called.

'Yes, my lady love?'he asked. 

'Have a tight sleep,'i replied.

He flashed his crooked smile and closed the door after him.

I fell into my bed. I loved him more than my father. I wished he would leave the house and not spend the night here as hidden dangers lurked in the house.

Whenever i thought about Jason, i was overcome by lustful thoughts.

The doorbell rang. I went to open the door.

It was Jason but he was standing a feet away form me.

I heard a wicked laugh and i saw Suzanne stab Jason thrice in his stomach.He cried in pain trying to reach for me.

But i was somehow moving backwards___as if some force was pulling me from behind.Then i saw Jason collapse on the ground.


I woke up with a start and tried to breathe normally.My hands reached for the glass of water on the table beside my bed and i drank the whole of it within  second.

Another nightmare!

No-nothing will happen to Jason.He will stay with me forever.It was only a nightmare--just a nightmare.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.I was panicked. I slapped myself to let go of the bad thoughts and took a deep breath. 

my head felt dizzy.

I jumped when i heard footsteps outside the door.

Have the ghosts returned?

My heartbeat raced--my hand clutching the rosary firmly.

I heard someone turn the knob.

I froze.



Who's that? Have the ghosts returned to trouble Kat again or this time they are going to KILL her?

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