Finding a new friend -chapter 1-

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Ink's POV

I was going through au's making sure Error hasn't done anything bad to them. You never know when he attacks and when he does, Error can cause a huge amount of damage. I checked the au's and gone back to the doodle sphere. Error hasn't done anything yet.
I sat down, looking at all the papers that holds every au timeline. Some are happy, some are sad, some are the same, others may change, but they all hold memories that need to be protected. That's why I try to stop Error from destroying them. It's my job to protect the au's. Just like how it's Dreams job to protect all positive feelings.
I met Dream while I was on one of my shifts. Dream was making sure the positive feelings in the au was unharmed and safe. We talked and became friends easily. We both have many things in common, but Dream seemed to be perfect in every way, I was not and that's what kept me from telling Dream things that I normally wouldn't tell others.I just don't feel comfortable with it.
My thoughts disappeared when I looked up and saw a new paper form. When an au is made, the paper is not made right away. It's only made when the story is finished with all possible endings. Dream has mentioned that his au story was not quite finished so I wasn't able to go there and explore the au. In fact, only the characters who can remember resets are able to go in and out of au's. Anyway, I looked at the paper and read the title of the au. The name was Dreamtale.
"This must be Dream's au" I thought to myself. I opened the portal and gone in.
Holy was this place beautiful. It was so different from the other au's. Instead of being trapped underground, you were on the surface. I closed the portal. I turned my head and looked. There was huge tree off in the distance. I walked over there and the closer I got, I noticed a small village.
"Who are you?"
"Hm?" I turned my head and looked over at the tree. At the bottom, there was a small skeleton, a sans to be exact, that looked very similar to Dream.
"I will ask again. Who are you?" The small skeleton asked. "Oh, I'm Ink. The protector of au's" I replied. The skeleton looked down at his book. "So your one of Dream's friends". He knew Dream but Dream never really mentioned anyone. "Um yeah. So, what is your name?" I asked. I wanted to know his name. "Nightmare" he replied hesitantly.
I sat down next to him. Nightmare looked at me. "So how do you know Dream?" I asked.
Nightmare stared at me and looked at his book, "I'm his brother", I thought he was joking. Dream has always said his brother was like every other Sanses brother, but Nightmare was a Sans himself. That didn't make sense to me. "You're joking. Right?" I looked at him. Nightmare looked at me and shook his "no".
This au really is different. "Dream never mentioned you before" I stated. Nightmare closed his book and set it down. I looked at his face. I saw cuts and bruises and asked him "How did you get those cuts and bruises?" Nightmare looked at me and said "Don't tell Dream" I nodded my head and Nightmare told me. I was shocked. I didn't expect that.
Dream is faveur here because he was the guardian of positivity while Nightmare is hated because he was the guardian of negativity.
"I will be friend Nightmare"

Nightmare's POV

I looked up at Ink. "Really?" I spoke. "Yep!" Ink replied. I looked down. I never had a friend who acted so nice to me. They either use me to get close to Dream or they just wanted to get close to me so they can hurt me. "Thanks Ink" I said to him. Ink just smiled.
I looked off to the side, a thought went through my head. Why didn't Dream ever talked about me? Did he lied when he said he will always love and think of me? Ink shook me a little. "Hey, are you okay?"
I looked at Ink. "Just some thoughts messing with me. It's nothing though". Ink didn't take that. "What type of thoughts?" He asked. "Oh, I sometimes wonder if Dream actually cared about me or not". Ink looked at me and then looked off in the distance, "You don't need to worry about that right now. I will always think about you"
Hearing those words from Ink felt more honest then when Dream said it. I hugged Ink and he hugged me back.
In the first time in my life, I felt loved, appreciated and whole. I don't know how I felt whole, but I never felt like this. I feel, no. I know I now have someone there for me.
We sat at the tree talking for a while until Ink got up and said "Welp, I have to go. See you soon Nightmare" Ink then opened a portal and left. "See you soon Ink".

Dream came back shortly after Ink left. "Hey Dream" I said. "Hey Night" he returned my greeting.

Ink's POV
I went to bed later. I tossed and turned. I was thinking about Dreamtale. It was like the middle child in the family. The odd one. Nightmare was Dream's brother and yet there is not Papyrus. Maybe the au is 'settled' back in an older time. My last though was about Nightmare. He was quite and kind. He wasn't like Dream at all, and was far from perfect. He reminds me of Gin. My old friend. I feel like Nightmare and I will grow close. I swear, I will be there for him, or at least try to be there for him. I will never forget him, he really is something special to me. Goodnight.

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