Stupid Book -Chapter 23-

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Nightmare's POV

I had a massive headache from not sleeping and Dust, Horror, and Killer complaining and arguing with each other. Also Ink's crying but that can be excused. I tried reading a book, but the tiny writing made things worse for me. Eventually everyone who was loud had shut up roughly half an hour later, even if it felt longer that. I laid my back against the living room chair that was facing the twin doors.

I stared at them. The doors that led to what use to be Dream's room and across from his, mine.However, it mainly leads to what was the most important room when I was younger. The room that held the royal uniforms, portraits, crowns, and jewels. Held all of that just to be covered in white bed sheets because I didn't want to go in there and face what my past was. It made me feel ashamed for what I did and how others treated me. The door, worn with age, without proper care, seemingly stared back at me.

I looked down at my lap and get up. I walk myself to library and found Ink sitting by himself.
"Hey Ink," I approached him normally. Ink looked up and gave me a smile. He was wearing my sweater that was a little bit too big for his smaller body. I sat down next him only to have his body lean onto mine. I responded by wrapping an arm around him.

"Are you okay Ink? You seem awfully quiet," I was trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah I am. Just wondering what Dream would do to Blue and what his next move would be," Ink spoke in a quite manner. His breath made his voice shaky. I gently rubbed his shoulder.

"Ink, Blue is strong and he has a sturdy AU to stay in. Plus I know he has more friends in the multiverse. However with Dream, he can make any move he wants, but when the multiverse knows the truth, they will be against him and Dream being alone, with no one to defend him, he is practically weak. He may be hard to predict, but he is witted," I held Ink's hands midway in my words, looking at him in the eye sockets. He smiles and hugged me. I hugged him back. "Now, come and help me make some supper. Horror and Dust been bickering at each other while Killer is on bed rest, and Cross stayed in his room," I stood up, helping Ink up. We both walked to the kitchen and looked at what we had.

"We can make some chicken noodle soup. It's easy to make," Ink suggested and I agreed.

Ink's POV

Nightmare grabbed the pot and the other utensils we will need. I pulled out the leftover chicken we had for lunch and breakfast today. Along with some fresh dill and garlic. I settled everything down and gotten the noodles and chicken broth from the pantry. Once everything was out we got to work.

Nightmare was the one who would be at the stove top, boiling the broth as I chopped the chicken with the dill and garlic. Once I finish, I threw it in the pot and nightmare added the noodles, breaking them into small, bite size pieces. I grabbed some bread, toasted it, spread butter on it and sprinkled garlic salt on it. Lazy ass garlic bread. It would have to do.

Nightmare would stir the soup here and now until it was done. He then dished up bowels and added the garlic bread, we then went to pick up Cross and go to Killer's room. We sat down and ate there with Horror and Dust feeding Killer.

Nightmare's POV

After awhile, we all sat in the living room. Including Killer who was helped by Horror and Dust. We were talking to one another. Ink and Cross were having a conversation and I was talking to Killer, while Horror and Dust where going through that old book with the 'Mysterious Lavender Skele'. Everyone was pretty chill, Ink was not worry about Dream or Blue, that was good and Killer was going through the list of baby names trying to find one he likes for his baby. One for a boy or a girl, depending on the gender. It went on like this until out of no where, Dust was shaking the book.

"STUPID BOOK!" he hissed although he was yelling. We all looked at him. "In the book, it mentions the Lavender Skele had gone through an incident that changed his appearance. I'm here flipping through the pages, and there is NOT ONE SINGLE PICTURE OF WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE NOW!" He gets so pissed off with simple things. "It doesn't make any sense! Why would there be pictures of him in his 'old form' as it says in the book, but not his newer form?!" With that, Dust threw the book onto the empty space on the couch which launched the book upwards and causing the pages to open like a fan. Due to this, a picture flew out, falling like a feather until it reached the ground. The book landing beside it. Thunk

Dust walked up to the picture and picked it up. "It's a picture of Ink," he flipped it over, "My Dear. That's what is written on the back of it," Dust handed it to me. I looked at and recognized it. I stored it in the book to keep it safe for all these years, and only I have forgotten it...

 I stored it in the book to keep it safe for all these years, and only I have forgotten it

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(A/N: have a drawing I did for this chapter. Enjoy)

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