We Now Close Our Books -Chapter 38-

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Present Day

Ink's POV
"I've never felt so accomplished", I said softly looking down at Stain who was trying to stay awake. "I think it's time for you to go to bed", I told him as I gently moved him off of my lap and onto his bed.
"Papa, I want to hear the story again", he wined as he hugged me tightly.
Gently rubbing his back, "Sweetheart, it's almost one in the morning and you need some rest", I almost couldn't contain a yawn. Stain just pouted at me, and I lifted him back onto my lap, rubbing soothing circles onto his back until I heard his small snores. Without having much energy myself, I tucked us both into his bed and passed out.

Nightmare's POV
Looking at the time and seeing it was almost one in the morning, surprised I woke up and Ink wasn't in bed yet. Letting a sigh escape, I swung my legs out of bed and went over to Stain's room. The door was a peak open and the lights were on. I gently opened the door and saw Ink holding Stain. Both were sleeping.
I quietly walked over to them and caught Ink's cane in the corner of my vision. Turning my full focus onto it, I picked it up, admiring the small details. There was small details of his life painted onto it. There was the fights he had with Error, the unpleasant times with Dream, us meeting, some of the crew, including Killer and his kiddo Loki, little baby Stain with his date of birth, and at the bottom; Ink and I holding hands and holding Stain's hand as well. The opposite side had Error and Reaper holding hands.
Now at this point I didn't want to get up from the ground, I just tapped the lights off, held Ink's hand, and slept there till morning.

(A/N: I know it was a short chapter, but this is the end. I would like to thank everyone who stayed till the end and supported this book. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Now for my next book, please check out my conversation board. I have a few ideas, but I want to explore some more things and want to know what you guys fancy. Please DO NOT put your opinions in the comment section of this book.
Side note: Also, some your peep's comments made me laugh while I was going through my hard moments. Thank you for that. And thank you to the people who gave me supportive comments, even if I didn't respond)

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