Other Plans -Chapter 25-

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Nightmare's POV

Everyone was in their rooms fast asleep. I was the only one awake, sitting on the edge of the bed. I look over my shoulder towards Ink. He was peacefully sleeping, all tucked in and warm. I stood up and walked out and down to the living room.
2:43 AM
I read the clock, standing as close as I could to read it in the dark. I wasn't bothered to turn on the lights in the main areas. I opened the twin doors. The biggest doors inside the palace, or what seems to the others as mansion or whatever. I slipped into the old hall, and walked down to the end room. The room that I took everyone to see the old painting.

Once I reached the door, I opened it. Everything was how it was when I left it. I closed the door and turned the light. Everything needed to be cleaned. The floor was dusty and the original red colour looked brown. You could hardly see the the pattern, and there were cobwebs in the corners of the room. The room smelled damp and old. I walked up to a small piece of furniture and took the white sheet off of it. It was a dresser with a jewelry box on top of it. I opened the jewelry box and looked inside of it. Necklaces and extra crown pieces that I would have to clip to my circlet on fancy occasions when I was younger. I opened the top of the box. My old crown was in there. I closed and opened the sides of the box. Rings, bunch and bunch of rings. I open on of the drawers on the side and found what I was looking for. I a box with a simple little  golden moon ring. I closed the box up and put the sheet back on it.

As I walked out and closed the doors, I put the box in my pocket. I open my rooms door and saw Ink sleeping and taking up the whole bed. I smiled and opened a drawer in the bedside table and locked the little box inside of it. I got into bed and pushed Ink, who complained in his sleep, and spooned him until later in the morning.

(A/N: short chapter sorry, but it was mandatory. Have a wonderful day/night)

I Found You My Dear Inkmare fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя