So it Begins -Chapter 28-

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Nightmare's POV

I took Ink to one of Outertale's more empty places. One of the forest that no one really goes to since it's not as open as the popular cliff spot. I really don't like being around others because I can feel their discomfort when I am around. I never know if it's because of me or something else, but I assume it's because of me because that's just the way I've been taught. A bad apple, the horrible one. The one that brings great discomfort to all and makes them unwell and sick. That's just the what the villagers said about me. One got sick and passed away? It was my fault, I was to blame. So I made myself into their hateful words that torn them apart in a bloody ending.

I looked down at Ink who was wrapped around my arm as I had my hands in my pockets. We were walking for awhile before I came to a halt when we reached a small yet open space. Both Ink and I looked up to see the wonderful skies of Outertale, filled with twinkling stars that seem to gaze on forever making the viewer quiver in jealousy or love. In my opinion, this place was much more nicer than the cliff area.

"Heh, it's just almost as beautiful as you are Ink", I chuckled at Ink. Ink just kept his focus on the sky but gave off a faded hue and a small huff of annoyance.

Whoosh, I took out the picnic blanket and placed it on the ground before sitting down.

After awhile, Ink took his focus off from the sky and looked at me. "You settled a spot for us to sit but left me standing? You really are the villain", he said playfully before sitting next me. Both of us keeping our focus on each other and the wonderful sky.

Dream's POV

I followed Horror, Dust, and Killer back to Nightmare's base or what used to be my home with Nightmare when were younger. When he was stupid and weak.

I followed close enough so I didn't lose them but far enough so they wouldn't catch me. I was careful with my steps so I wouldn't make a noise since I was walking off trail and more into the trees and bushes. After awhile, we finally made it to the old castle even though it looks more like a mansion know due to the heavy red fog covering most of the old establishment.

As the three of them walked inside, I laid low in nearby bushes. I didn't feel Nightmares aura, meaning he currently wasn't here. All I have to do now is wait, but I feel impatient. I clenched my fist. AsI looked down at them, I imaged blood covering my hands. The blood I thirst for. The blood I wish to spill tonight. I took a deep breath in before wrapping myself in my dark, black cloak and laying low for what felt like hours.

Ink's POV

"Ink, will you marry me?"

Nightmare was down on his knee, purposing to me. I stood in utter shock that lasted for a couple of seconds before I flung myself at him, embracing him into a warm and tight hug. "YES! EVERY YES IN THE MULTIVERSE!", I never felt so much emotions at once, but I said that with pure happiness. Even though I get the happiness from a simple paint in a vial, this overwhelming feeling was enjoyable.

I felt Nightmare stand up, holding and hugging me ever so tightly before putting me down and sliding a ring on my finger. It wasn't anything big and fancy, but it was simple and small. Something that wouldn't bring so much attention to it. After we had our happy moment, we folding the blanket and cleaned up after ourselves.

Before Nightmare opened the portal back to his place, he gave me a small yet loving peck on my forehead that made me just melt. He took my hand and grasp it tightly as we entered the portal that left us in front of the castle.

Dream's POV

I suddenly woke up due to a change to the atmosphere. I look up and saw Nightmare holding Ink's hand. Both of them seem giddily and happy. Honestly it was quite disgusting for me and I wanted to throw up right there and then, but I had to keep myself together in order for my plans to work.

I checked the time and saw it been two full hours that I slept for but it been three hours since I got here. I think it will be best if I stayed right here till I didn't feel goggly anymore. A couple more minutes after they go in and settle for dinner or whatever wouldn't hurt me.

After these couple of minutes go by, I got up from my spot and crept up to the door, being as quite as possible. Once I got to where I needed to be, I stood there for a hot minute. I could hear them talking and laughing. I pulled out a key knowing Nightmare didn't change the locks because he didn't see a reason to do so. To his knowledge, he doesn't know I have the spare key and that I couldn't go into this au without getting incredibly weaken by the disgusting amount of negativity. However, that is no longer the case.

I looked at the key and took a deep breath. Blood will be spilled tonight and if not, this 'war' will begin.

I carefully unlocked the door before swinging it open and instantly attacking everyone I saw. Everyone except for my Darling Ink.

Nightmare's POV

What the fuck?! I just had an arrow shot right into my shoulder. I quickly pulled it out and look at the direction it came from. To my horror, it was Dream. He was attacking everyone here. Well, everyone but for Ink.

I pushed Ink behind the couch and the same did Horror and Dust do to Killer in order to protect him.

Cross, Horror, Dust, and myself got ready to fight.

We swung at Dream and shot bones and Gaster Blasters at home. Some hit him while some he dodged. With all expectations, the same went for us. He shot arrows that missed us but yet also pierced our bones assuring to leave some scaring.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE? YOU SHOULD BE WEAK HERE!" I yelled enraged. I gotten a cold chuckle from him. Almost as if he was no longer pure positivity but also mixed with negativity.

"You wouldn't know and I wouldn't tell you", he sounded cold but he continued, "but now to my dismay, I think I should go. It's a pity I didn't shed your blood Nightmare, but let this be a message to you. Let this war begin".

After he left, I felt a shiver go down my spine.

So it begins..

(A/N: Hoi Peeps. Sorry for not posting. School gotten in the way, but fortunately I have an entire week off due to Easter. So expect more Chapters to come out. I might even add some art here and there)

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