Apple slices -Chapter 30-

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Nightmare's POV

I was in the kitchen cutting up some Granny Smith Apples to bake a pie. Thud...Thud...Thud..
I listened to the knife hit the cutting board until each apple was done and ready.

After I put the pie in the oven, I gone over to the living room. The room was a mess of mattress, pillows, and blankets. We decided to sleep in the living room just in case Dream tried to get in through one of the windows. If he did find someone, all of us would be alarmed and be ready to fight if we had too.
Killer was on the couch while Dust and Horror slept on the floor next to Killer and Ink and myself slept behind the couch. They were still sleeping and I wasn't too surprised. It been a long night after Dream attacked. I suppose it's a sign to change the locks on the doors and windows.

I sat down next to where Ink was right before gasping out loud and groping my chest. There was a sudden shock of pain that hit me hard and I didn't knower what it was.

Dream's POV

I dropped the knife instantly as I dropped to the floor, groaning in pain as I just had chopped a chunk out of my soul. It was about me quarter I took off when looked at.
"Never again will I do that.." my hands shook as I threw the knife away and returned the bigger soul piece to my chest. I carefully picked up the other part.

"This is all I need.." I sure hope I don't need anymore. I summoned my bow and carefully dismembered it to open the core up. Once I did, I infused my soul into the bow and allowed the core to absorb it fully before properly reassembling it back together.

I sat down and took a small break before thinking about the newer part of my plan. God I am stupid for not getting more leaves when I gone to attack Nightmare last night, because now I have to wait for the evening to come. I stood up, took my basket before walking down stairs and setting the basket on the counter top as a reminder.

I stared out at the window. Everyone was walking around so happy and minding their own business. To be quite honest, it made me upset and disgusted.
I walked to Ink's room. The bare room I had made him before he ran away. I made sure to make it empty so he wouldn't have a place to hide objects or anything of the sort. I made sure he couldn't get hurt, but yet he ran off. Although I already added new stuff to improve it so I could reach my goal, I think I could add some more to it.
It will give me something to do as I pass time.

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