22: an unexpected request from ubuyashiki

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter twenty-two
an unexpected request from ubuyashiki

More days have passed, and (y/n) was able to recover her health as she regained her strength to fight for her next missions. As soon as the annoying screech of her crow signalled her to take another visit to the Demon Slayer Headquarters to see its leader Ubuyashiki first, (y/n) donned her birthday wisteria haori, pinned her flower hairclip to her strands, and prepared her satchel bag.

"YOU'RE NOT DONE WITH ME, NAGISA SHIOTA!!" the boy wearing the boar mask yelled while he remained creepy eye contact at (y/n), still quite annoyed that she was going to leave soon without a fight, "COME AT ME AND TAKE ME DOWN, IDIOT!!"

At the same time as she was reasoning with him, (y/n) was quite occupied with someone else who tugged her from down below.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE AGAIN!!" screamed Zenitsu as he grabbed hold to one of (y/n)'s legs. The girl tried to walk as much as possible, but the weight of the blonde boy kept stopping her from heading out to the front door, "COME ON, YOU KNOW I'M GONNA DIE! THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE TO STAY HERE SO YOU CAN PROTECT ME, TSUMA-CHAN!!"

"Zenitsu-kun, pull yourself together!!" exclaimed Tanjiro as he scolded the boy with the golden bangs. He tried dragging the whining Agatsuma lad away from (y/n) by tugging tight on his buttoned blouse.

"DID YOU SAY PULL MONITSU?!" Inosuke shouted, thinking that Tanjiro was telling him to pull Zenitsu by brute force. Now fully recovered from his injuries back at the mountain, he used his arms to grab Zenitsu by his waist. He hauled him forcibly to the point the blonde boy lost his grip from (y/n)'s slippers, and he eventually bumped into the boar man. They crashed together at one side of the room, and both argued afterwards. The two bonked each others' heads as Tanjiro, steaming with embarassment at the presence of the young girl, tried to stop their fight.

"Zenitsu, Inosuke!! Cut it out, you guys!" the burgundy-haired boy scolded the two before turning back to (y/n) and bowed in front of her as an apology, "I deeply apologize for their behavior again. I'm surprised at how patient you are with them, but still, I hope you're not feeling uncomfortable."

"Not at all," she replied, nervously chuckling.

After a nice, delicious breakfast meal of miso soup and mixed vegetables, the girl slipped into her shoes, and was ready to take her leave out of the Butterfly Estate. Thanking Aoi and the little girls who had taken care of her as soon as she set foot into the household, she handed them tips from her allowance, to which they simply denied. Kanao was there, too. She was just extremely quiet, so she seemed like a stock character waiting in the background. The purple and pink mix of her eyes glanced at (y/n)'s own orbs dearly as she planted a small grin between her lips. She fiddled her fingers, signalling a phrase with words like "Take care, Kuwajima-san."

Shinobu was at the door, waiting for (y/n)'s approach. The teenage girl's eyes perplexed with curiosity, but perhaps the Insect Pillar had her own similar errands to make like the girl. She gracefully waved her hands with a smile on her petite face as (y/n) set her eyes on her. The teenage girl examined the insides of her satchel bag in order to make sure she has everything needed for her next journey after the scheduled meeting. Boxed lunch, allowance purse, and the casual set of clothes the girls were able to clean and dry off. She shut her satchel tight, confidently stepping out of the estate with Shinobu.

"You seem quite excited," the Insect Pillar remarked (y/n)'s energetic behavior, "Maybe Tomioka-san didn't hit you, after all."

"Really now?" asked the girl while awkwardly laughing at her statement with uncertainty.

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