just a checkup (might delete)

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Hello, everyone!

Author-chan is gonna do a checkup to make sure that the fanfic is going well since y'all are the ones who can be better judges. I don't wanna make any more chapters until I know some of your feedback. Let's make this one a win-win for the both of us haha-

I think the only thing I'm asking is whether the chapters are too long or not. In my opinion, I wanna make the most of the story and add all the secret details to make it fun for you to read. But it can get too-

Just comment your answers, if you wanna make any feedback about this fanfic.

1) Are the chapters too long to read?

(I mean, a lot of people find long chapters to be boring since it can feel endless but idk)

2) Is the writing too wordy?

(What I mean here is the descriptive writing that I use to make this fanfic; does it sound too poetic and hard to understand?)

3) Is the story too slow?

(The reason why the story seems slow, for me, is because I wanna take my time in developing the reader insert's relationships with the characters and the Demon Slayer universe. But idk if I should speed up more)

> // > // >

I guess that's all for today. I just wanna make sure that y'all are doing okay with this fanfic.

Thank you for helping!

Thank you for supporting!

Thank you for reading!

- Author-chan, with a smile.

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