10: zenitsu's memoirs of an old friend - [natagumo mountain arc]

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter ten
zenitsu's memoirs of an old friend

(y/n) spent another day in the Kuwajima estate, mostly trying to calm herself from the sudden recruitment from the previous day.

She spent the morning on top of a valley that was nearby their humble abode. There housed an enormous yet majestic wisteria tree, which roosted two marble gravestones. Each stone engraved the names of (y/n)'s past parents whose lives were lost when their daughter was a baby.

Scented candles were lit and they knelt in front of the memorials silently as they prayed for their souls.

It was when awkward silence kicked in that gave (y/n) an opportunity to finally solve her undying riddle.

"Grandfather?" beckoned (y/n), "I have a question to ask from you."

"What is it, sweet shortcake?"

"Do you know anyone by the name Zenitsu Agatsuma?" asked (y/n).

"Agatsuma? You mean the boy whom I trained along with the Kaigaku lad?"

(y/n) had no idea what to say.

"He's a kind boy. I have to admit, Zenitsu reminds me so much of you," explained Jigoro in a calm tone, "He reminds me when you started your training. But he was a chicken and such a coward, most of the time. Couldn't help himself but climb up on a tree and cry like a vulture."

The fire from the wick of the scented candles was blown out, and (y/n)'s grandfather brought out his matchstick to light them once more.

"That was when you came in and tried beating the devil out of him on that tree," the old man chuckled.

He fixed his eyes at (e/c)-colored orbs, and noticed that (y/n) wasn't responding so much from him. She just tilted her tiny head in confusion.

"I guess you don't remember, huh?" he continued, "I think the lightning hit pretty hard on you at the time that you lost consciousness."

"I was electrocuted?!" exclaimed (y/n), completely shocked about it.

"It was severe, but I was able to get you both into an infirmary before things got any worse," he assured.

"Was I okay?" asked (y/n), paranoid and frantic about the situation.

"You're still on your feet. Of course you are okay, (y/n). Don't take it too hard, alright? Past is in the past."

(y/n) fiddled her fingers, avoiding eye contact with her grandfather. Then she proceeded to touch her arms, her shoulder, her waist, and her legs because the thought of herself getting struck by lightning kind of messed up her mind for quite a bit.

"Why do you ask, shortcake? Any reason in particular?" asked her grandpa, his face slowly turning into a teensy smirk, "Is it because you like-"

"I met him just recently," blurted (y/n) to avoid the next question because she knew that her grandpa won't stop messing with the poor girl.

"I guess you're spot on when you said that he was both a kind and cowardly person," she continued, "But he really made me homesick. I think it's because his hair matched your typical robe. He reminded me of home."

"Reminded you of home?"

"I know it sounds silly, but it's true," smiled (y/n), "However, I think considering you trained and raised him for a bit, it means that he adapted to your lifestyle. I mean, he did master your special udon the other day. Did you know that?"

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