24: just a minor test of strength

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter twenty-four
just a minor test of strength

For the remainder of the day, (y/n) would stay with the boys, no matter how absurd and flabbergasted she felt. But given the responsibilities that her superior had given to the girl, she had no other choice but to accept it. Then again, (y/n) would wonder, from time to time, what wonders could happen next. Because after all, they were not just ordinary Demon Slayers, or let alone.. just ordinary boys. And she knew that. In their perhaps not obvious mysteriousness, (y/n) was beginning to become quite astonished.

Their afternoon together went quite well. Of course, Zenitsu kept crying all over (y/n)'s clothes. Inosuke chowed down on most of the wagashi sweets she bought, but she did not really mind it at all. At least she got to keep a bag of konpeito secretly for Nezuko, which she plans to give to the demon later in the evening. Tanjiro was unfortunately in shambles. Perhaps in that situation, both him and (y/n) were clearly the most sane people in the room. Alas, poor Tanjiro since he had to multitask between pulling Zenitsu away and stopping Inosuke from eating everything.

"Zenitsu- you're gonna get snot all over Kazue-san's robes!!" exclaimed Tanjiro, already sweating, before turning to the boar-masked teenager next to him. "Inosuke, it's very rude to keep all the sweets to yourself!!"

"KASUMI MIWA GAVE ME THESE WHICH MEANS THEY'RE MINE AND MINE ALONE, YOU HAG!!" retaliated Inosuke, with a gloat that anyone could feel no matter how covered his face was with his mask.

"It's Kazue- Oh nevermind, that actually sounds cute," thought (y/n) to herself, "Huh, why didn't I think of that.."

(y/n) snapped back to reality, and saw the boys fighting again for the nth time today. In between their bickers, she tried to come up with something to at least stop them from arguing and potentially making a ruckus. She would hate to see Aoi and the girls pulling their ears like the reckless children that they are. And so she did thought of something.. useful. Snapping her fingers, she smiled.

"You know, Inosuke is right," she said in a sing-song voice, "I did give some to him."

"SEE?? SHE'S RIGHT AND- wait, really?" Inosuke questioned, clearly confused.

"Mhm, I bought all of these tasty sweets for everyone. But hey, I thought I'd give you all some more," (y/n) played along.

"WHERE IS THE GRUB???" he was about to yank (y/n)'s shirt but Tanjiro intervened.

"I told you I haven't bought more.." the girl facepalmed at him, "I'm going to buy anyway but I don't know.. maybe I shouldn't?"


"It's more of a proposition to keep all three of you afloat before one of you tries to burn the mansion over a snack that's about the size of your thumb but hey, we could go for something else," she awkwardly laughed.

"...I have no idea what you just said," Inosuke blanked out as he scratched his head.

"I think we should continue listening what Kazue-san has to say to us," Tanjiro assured a confused Inosuke while respecting (y/n).

"How about this.." and at this point, (y/n) slammed her hands with a smirk planted on her face, "I challenge all of you to a mock battle. Face to face in the training room."

"WILL I GET FREE CANDY IF I WIN????" Inosuke asked, and to be fair, (y/n) did not mind at all. The man got his priorities straight, and winning free candy was apparently one of them. (y/n) tried her best to hold back her laughter from how absurd it is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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