Hospital - Chapter 13

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( Lorelai POV )
I drove to the nearest hospital which didn't take long since i was speeding. We quickly got out and nurses came rushing up to her putting her on a gurney. They were saying shit in Russian to each other while taking her away, we went up to the waiting room and sat down.

" You let a stranger in the car? " Aurora asked me and i ignored her walking off with Nalaya to find one of the nurses.

After waiting by the door i saw one of the nurses and quickly ran up to her.

" как она " ( how is she )

" она сейчас в хирургии " ( she is now in surgery )

" Зачем " ( what for )

" у нее были многочисленные ожоги, порезы и синяки " ( she had numerous burns, cuts and bruises )

" И несколько сломанных костей " ( And a few broken bones ) she added on looking at me sadly.

" когда я смогу увидеть ее " ( when can i see her )

" через несколько часов " ( in a few hours ) she said looking me up and down but stopped at my shoulder making me look at it.

ma'am ваше кровотечение " ( ma'am your bleeding ) she said again and guided me to a room. I lifted up my shirt and saw a lot of blood and a gunshot wound..When did i even get shot- ow! fuck now it's kicking in, damn that shit burn.

" You can fix this right? I'm not getting no surgery so gone ahead and take it out. " I said to her in a bored tone.

" You need surgery.. "

" you speak english, wow "

" Yes "

" Cool, but no y'all ain't about to give me surgery. "
" we need to make sure there's no type of infection, remove the bullet- " I quickly cut her off speaking but Nalaya woke up.

Long story short we went back and forth so i got the surgery and Nalaya was with the rest of them.
( Aurora POV )
I know she didn't just ignore me, that's so rude. 

" I don't think that's a stranger, maybe it's her mom.. " he said making me even more confused.

" how would you know that? "

" think about it.. she looks like her, lorelai wouldn't put any of us in danger- she looked like she knows her not to mention she knew her name. " he said looking at me.

" there's only one person to ask. " I said pulling out my phone to watch YouTube.

" where's mommy? " Tahani asked looking at us and we looked at each other confusedly before Noel said something.

" she went to go check on grandma.. "
I looked at him crazy and he didn't look at me.

" I have gwama? "

" Yes, she's not doing good so she's here to feel better. "

" Otay, i go make ha feel better now? " she asked so innocently and he was about to say something when we were cut off by them coming back.

" Mommy!! " Tahani yelled excitedly and ran to her.

" my pretty girl! " she said smiling at her.

" Mama you have owie " Tahani said sadly making us get up and go over to her.

" Are you okay? " noel asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" yeah, so i got shot in the shoulder and they about to remove the bullet. " she said shrugging her shoulders and winced.

" Since when does this hurt so much.. " she complained holding her shoulder.

" Maybe because you haven't been shot in years. " I said laughing and she looked at me glaring.

" That lady.. who is she to you? "

" My mom, look i got to go get this shit done. " she said handing Noel Nalaya and quickly walked off.

" Told you!! " he yelled gaining people's attention.

" shut up! "
( Lorelai POV )
I woke up hearing people talk and slowly opened my eyes sitting up. I looked around and the girls including Camilla were on the bed talking to my mom beside me while Noel and Aurora were on their phone. I heard that damn heart monitor and quickly ripped out the iv making the heart monitor go off and i quickly got up unplugging it. I turned back around and everybody was looking at me crazily and i shrugged my shoulders.

" Mommy look!! I have gwama now " tahani said excitedly making me smile at her.

" I see " I told her smiling and went back to sit on the bed. It got quiet but a little tense and I'm guessing Noel and Aurora noticed it because they grabbed the girls and left.

" Lorelai.. baby we didn't want to give you away, i promise it was the worst thing in the world! It took a toll on all of us, it was to protect you but i see it sent you right to them. "
( also let's change it to where the mom has been gone for a few weeks only ) she said with her voice cracking, i quickly looked at her and she had tears streaming down her face.

" I don't know what you're talking about. " I told her coldly and looked at the wall.
" Im so sorry we couldn't protect you, i hate myself for it and it- " I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I looked in the mirror and put my hair in a high ponytail also splashing water on my face to keep the tears from falling.

I walked out the bathroom and walked over to her giving her a hug. I felt tears threatening to come out of my eyes which is rare because i haven't cried in years. I've never had a mother figure so for my actual mom to be here.. it's overwhelming.

" it's going to be okay.. I'm never leaving you again. " she said softly rocking me and i felt tired which resulted into me going to sleep.
( Mom POV )
She went to sleep and i silently cried. I didn't think i would make it out alive.. let alone see my daughter this early. I wonder how the boys are doing, I'll just surprise them but not like this- i want to get better first. I don't even want to let her out of my site again, she's turned into a beautiful young lady and i just have no words to describe how I'm feeling. I got snapped out of my thoughts by the other girl walking back in with the kids.

" I apologize for yelling at you.. " she said less coldly and i smiled at her waving it off.
" understandable, i would've did the same thing. " I told her and she nodded looking at Lorelei. I looked into her eyes and saw adoration.. ohh- someone has a crush, they would not cute together. I cleared my throat and she looked at me quickly before looking away so i decided to speak.

" You like her don't you? "

THANK YOU FOR 5.3K READSSS 🥺❤️!! I feel like the amount of chapters I've made isn't it.. I've been working on this since the end of March and i should have more than 13 chapters up.. School is out next Wednesday and i have many projects but if you enjoyed this chapter:

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