A Small Threat - Chapter 21

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( Elias POV )
I looked over at lorelai and she was sleeping, i wanted to look in the envelope but that would be an invasion of privacy. I don't approve of what she had on and that man she was talking to- i'll have his name and address in a few minutes.

When we pulled up to the house i carefully picked her up and took her inside. Dad and everyone else was standing there glaring at me.

" you would think that you being the oldest you would be more responsible " dad yelled making lorelai wake up.

" hi, put me down " she said casually so i put her down. She sat down on the couch ignoring everybody else and pulled the yellow envelope out.

" did you really take her to the bar? " he asked me angrily.

" she wanted to meet her friend, i promise she didn't drink "

" young lady do you have on makeup? "

" glad to know you're not blind "

" where did you guys go? "

" somewhere you didn't "

" that's your answer for everything " Jace said annoyed- he's not wrong.

" why do you always talk back? "

" that's what you do in a conversation " she said giving a fake smile.

( Lorelai POV )
let's make them mad... " okay well first i went to go meet Jacob then I- " I said casually but he had to be rude and cut me off.

" WHAT? " dad yelled at me.

" like i said- " oh so you gonna cut me off again.


" your the ones who basically told me he wanted to meet me "


" why do you keep saying that? why is he dangerous? " I asked playing dumb and nobody answered me.

" BECAUSE HE IS, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE! " he yelled this time louder.

" STOP IT! DON'T YELL AT HER " mom yelled at dad which shocked them all. She turned around towards me and grabbed my hands.

" we can't explain why he's dangerous but please don't go see him again " she said much softer and i just nodded.

" then i went to the bar to meet my friend, that's it and that's all " I said much more calmly and opened the envelope.

Everyone was looking at me so i quickly closed it and stood up to leave. I felt them staring at me so i turned around and glared at all of them before walking off.
When i got to the room the girls were still sleeping luckily. I sat the envelope in my bed and went to go take off my makeup and change into something more comfortable.

Once i opened the envelope i felt something poke my finger which made it start bleeding- deja vu. I sucked my finger and emptied out the envelope- do you think i could turn into a vampire.

A bunch of pictures came out and it showed us all- us in pubic, us at the restaurant, when i first got here and so much more- oh and a note.

" I'm coming for you all " the note signed in Russian. Damn it! How the fuck did they find me.. wait they said mom had been taken- i found her in Russia- why didn't i think of this sooner!! mom was kidnapped by the Russians but that still doesn't explain how they-. I'll look into this in the morning, I'm too tired right now.

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