Aftermath - Chapter 41

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( Lorelai POV )

Everything was muffled.

I felt sick..

I shouldn't have had 2 nightmares in a row.

Maybe me talking about it brought it up.

I chanted the same lines in my head.

" I'm okay "

" I'm okay "

" I'm okay "

I closed my eyes and tried to slow down my breathing which seemed to work.

I opened my eyes and my vision was slowly clearing up.

I fucked up again.

I slowly got up and almost fell but someone caught me.

I laid in the bed and closed my eyes fastly going to sleep.

Well trying to go to sleep.

( Third Person POV )

They looked at a fragile looking Lorelei and grew concerned.

Only 3 people in the room knew what it was.

Giovanni asked what happened and Natalie explained everything.

Everyone else including her was confused on the cause of it but she knew it wasn't her business.

Truth be told they were scared because they'd never experienced it with their sister.

Lorelai opened her eyes but they didn't know because she was facing the other way.

A few seconds later she felt bile rising and quickly got up running to the bathroom.

She closed the door and locked it before she emptied out her continents.

She almost missed the toilet.

She hated throwing up.

On the other side of the door they were about to knock on the door before they decided against it.

A few minutes later they heard the retching stop and the toilet was flushed.

A/N: retching? yeah bestie you reaching ..

There was water running and then the door was unlocking.

She came out looking fully awake.

She ignored them all and went back to her part of the room and looked around for her phone until she found it.

( Lorelai POV )

Great.. it's only 4am.

" I'm okay, you can leave " I said looking at them.

They started protesting and I rubbed my temples.

" I promise I'm okay, go back to sleep " I added on.


It took me like ten minutes of convincing them until they finally left.

So now it was just me, aurora and Natalie.

" Are you sure you're okay? " Natalie asked and I nodded.

I went to the bathroom and brushed/scrubbed my teeth, tongue, lips- everything.

Clearly I'm not going to sleep anymore.

Once that was done I went back in my room to see Aurora there.

" I just want to know- who's that girl? "

" jealous are we? " I asked with a smirk.

" I was just asking " she said defensively.

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