Message To My Family - Chapter 45

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( Lorelai POV )

Elias ended up coming to get us.

He wouldn't stop asking questions about why they couldn't just drop me off and other shit.

He did end up bringing Noel back so..

I turned towards the window and closed my eyes to avoid any other questions.

I woke up and saw I was in my bedroom.

I didn't even know I went to sleep.

I turned on my phone and saw it was almost 12- so I didn't sleep long.

I quickly got up and put on the camera before sitting it down on the dresser.

So glad these walls are sound proof.

I took a deep breath and pressed record before sitting on the bed.

" it feels weird as fuck to make one of these videos.. " I started off and scoffed.

" If you received this recording then it only means one thing..

* pause for a few seconds.. *

I died " I said and let out a small laugh.

" I'm sorry- I'll stop being dramatic but no seriously. "

" As you know I killed the Russian bastard- because he was in no way a leader.. but his Russian Allies will be coming after me.

They want me to suffer and I don't know why because it has nothing to do with them but clearly they'll come after you guys.

I don't want anything to happen to you- especially because of me so that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Probably like 4 of you watching this know about my past which wasn't the best..

I was abused for years, both mentally and physically.

I was trained to be an assassin by the Russians and I'm sure you know how the traitors in your mafia are treated so that's how it was with me.

I used to get molested, whipped, stabbed, drowned and so much more.

It's kind of made me into the person I am today but I'm glad I still had a little hope left.

I don't know who tahani's father is because she was a product of.. yeah but I don't think of her that way.

She saved me.

Now Dad..

I love you so much and I do wish I was with you growing up but that's none of our faults.

Whatever you do stay safe!

I want you to treat my kids how you wanted to treat me.

Your gonna kick cancers ass- I just know it. "

I then took a deep breath and spoke again.

" Mom..

You're everything to me.

I'm glad you convinced me to come live with you guys because I don't regret it.

It's crazy- we first met by me saving you and I ended up getting shot " I laughed it off and continued.

" you have to stay safe too, and please continue being you.

I love you also. "

" Now time for my big head brothers-

You all need to stay happy..

Don't wear yourself out or do anything to harm yourselfs or the family.

I love you all and you're the best brothers anyone could ever ask for.

You're my hero's and you've never disappointed me.

Elias you have this Mafia thing on lock- no doubt about it.

Emilio you've saved many lives and that's top notch dude- so continue it.

Jace, you and Oliver think you're slick with the whole hotel stunt but I forgive you.

You two have been the closest to me and I feel like I can tell you two anything.

Don't forget about me..

Noel- thanks for being a great friend because what the hell could I do without you!

Aurora.. I love you in ways that I can't explain, I love Camila too.

We kind of in a way grew up together and you had grown to be like my sister.

Look.. about what I said the day after we came back from Dubai- I didn't mean it.

I definitely loved it and it was amazing.

Natalie I didn't know you as much but you're a cool person and I hope you and Aurora make it.

Now this is to my girls.

Mommy loves you with all her heart.

I'm still here- I'm just taking a long nap.

Don't give your uncles and grandparents a hard time.

I promise I'll be watching over you.

I want you all to promise me one thing- that you'll protect my children and protect each other.

You all are the best thing that's ever happened to me.

If anybody would've told me that a few months ago i would find my family?

I'd think they were lying but it's crazy how this all turned out.

I love you all with my whole heart!

I'd do anything to protect you and if that means i had to die? then so be it. " I stopped and felt water drip down my chin.

I cleared my throat and kept wiping my eyes.

" one day we'll be together again.. but until then? have a good life. " I said with my voice cracking and blew the camera a kiss.

There was a knock on my door and I heard Elias call my name.

" Coming! " I yelled like I wasn't just crying and quickly went to my phone and ended the video.

I put my phone in my back pocket and rubbed my eyes so it didn't look like I was crying but I just threw on some shades.

I quickly went to my door and opened it.

Elias was looking at me curiously and I shrugged my shoulders.

" Are you okay? " he asked and I nodded my head.

" So what's up? " I asked him.

" Do you have any plans today? "

" Uh.. no why? "

" I want to show you something " he said and I told him okay before following him down the stairs.

Once we got to the living room everybody was there.

" hold on " I told him and cleared my throat to get everybody's attention.

" Today I want to hang out with you all- one on one though.. " I said looking at them.

" that's fine with me " Dad said and they all agreed.

" good.. well you'll have to wait until me and Elias come back. " I said and me and elias made our way to the door.

1032 words ;)

Story ending in a few chapters..

Woahh y'all - 4 chapters in 24 hours?

I'm on a roleee 💗.

It's gone be some plot twists- but nothing too extreme.

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