Chapter 34

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   Cold fear washed any sane emotion away. The black dirty walls of the cell closed in, almost driving me to cower back. Almost.

I hold Manuel's gaze as I slowly move forward. Standing in front of one of my enemy, I demand, "How can I trust you?"

He coughs up blood, and rasps, "You can't, but that's what I heard from the boss."

"And who's your boss?"

"Don't know," he sighs, lifting his head weakly. "He wanted to always stay in the dark, never being revealed. Please let me go. I have a family."

I crouch and just stare him dead in the eyes. "Does it seem like I give a fuck? I have family too, and you and your friends tried to take them from me."

I take a glance at his appearance. Manuel looks like shit. Bruises and gashes covered every inch of his skin. The clothes he wore, which consisted of jeans and a white shirt, hardly holding onto his battered body.

"This is what's going to happen, and you will listen to what I have to say," I growl, eyes narrowing to slits. "I'm about to let you go. For now. And when I do, you're going to go back to your people and tell them that if they even think of attacking me or my family again, then they should consider what'll happen to them. And I promise you, your condition as of now is nothing compared to what I can really do."

The man hardly nods. "Fine, but they won't listen to me. The person we're working for is more dangerous than you. I know it."

"Then you all will die a slow painful death." And I call in the guards. "Release him," I order one man while I cross my arms. "And make sure he doesn't come back. If he does, kill him."

They bow and carry on with their duties.

Once above ground I'm bombarded with questions. The are some things people must do by themselves. This was one of them.

"What'd he say?" Jason and Jaxon said simultaneously.

"Did he confess?" Sabrina probed, desperate, clinging to David.

"Did you kill him?" David grumbled.

"Why don't you just shut your mouths and let Ellie talk for once so that she can actually tell us what's going on!" Damon barks while glowering at everyone.

Nodding as thanks, I turn my attention back to the eager group and tell them what had transpired between Manuel and me. Not a good idea. They freaked out. I don't blame them, though. If he was talking about the man we think he is – we're most likely already dead.

The Alpha King was the person responsible behind the attack. He tried to harm me, instead he injured my pregnant friends. Some may think his name is odd. Let me explain. The reason why supernaturals call him The Alpha King is because no one knows what he is. Either a vampire or werewolf or something else entirely, no one knows. And the unknown is a dangerous place to play. But he is known as a cold blooded killer, having no one to love and love him back.

Sighing, I go check up on my best friend. Seeing him awake sent comfort through me. Celeste was asleep with Emmett, cuddled in his side. As Emmett opens his other arm and motions me forward, I crawl into bed and curl in his side.

"Don't ever think about leaving, Emmett. Ever," I said, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Shh, it's okay, Ell, I'm not planning on it," he cooed, placing a kiss on my head.

I fell asleep believing my best friend.

As soon as Emmett was allowed to leave the vamp hospital we packed our bags and were prepared to head home. Tonight the wind was howling softly through the trees, the cold brushing along my heated skin every once in a while.

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