Prologue/Chapter 1

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Copyright @ 2014 by: Momentz_Night

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10 YEARS AGO: 5 years old

    At a young age I'd never given much thought to how the power of love could take away someone you hold most dear – a best friend, a family member, a mother – until it's too late.

I stared without breathing and moving across the long surface of the cliff, into the eyes of the monster who held my mother, Helen, around the neck. He didn't dare show who he was in fear of being discovered; he hid in the shadows.

I started to make my way to rescue my mom as quick as my little legs could carry me. I screamed out her name but she put a hand out in front of her to stop me.

"I am sorry to tell you this, my Elizabeth, but only one of us will survive this night and that will be you."

I shook my head back and forth as she was talking to tell her that that's not going to happen.

"Don't do this, Mama," I plead desperately. "Don't leave me."

A smile appeared on her beautiful face as the monster drew blood from his tight grasp. Even in a horrid situation as this my mother still tried to reassure me that everything's going to be okay, when clearly it wasn't.

"I will always be here for you, even if you think I am not. It means nothing that I'm about to die."

I ran towards her with pure determination pumping through me.

"Happy 5th Birthday my little one, always fight for what you love no matter of the consequences," she whispered ever so sweetly. Helen's hand reached up to grab the hand that was squeezing the life out of her. "I love you."

Without a second thought, I say," I love you." Because what was I supposed to say? That I don't love her when I do?

Mama closed her eyes in acceptance and when she opened them, they were filled with so much emotion, I pushed myself to go faster. Helen was smiling lovingly by the time I was a couple feet away from her and the beast.

Without knowing her intentions, I gasp, horrified. She had pushed the hunter and herself off the cliff. Everything around me seemed to go in slow motion as I threw myself to the edge and right at the last second our hands locked before hers slipped out of my tiny hand, and she fell.

All I saw was her falling body, and her face. But, it wasn't like I thought it would be. She looked calm, peaceful. We stared into each others eyes, not breaking contact.

We watched each other until the end of her precious life. I was consumed with pain like no other. Seeing my mother's motionless body lay beneath me broke my heart. I looked up to the night sky to see the bright moon. Waves of fire were forcing itself through my body, wrapping itself around me in death and darkness, like a snake coiled around its prey.

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