Chapter 41

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   Lightning struck in the distance between two towering mountains . . . slightly shaking the air. It was vibrating with energy, energy that was not meant to be close to a werewolf like me.

Rain pours down from the heaven's as I stood as still as I ever have. Not even able to breathe. Eyes downcast to the motionless bodies sprawled on the floor.

Matilda and Aaron. They were two of my pack's best caretakers who looked after young pups, especially to a three-year-old girl named Suzy. And now they're dead. Suzy's parents died in a rogue attack after she was born and now she lost not only one, but two people she cared about the most. And close to me and to the pack.

She's waking up. And as much as I try to force her back and hold onto sanity the more stronger she grows. But I knew it was coming – her. The being I have kept locked up for as long as I could.

It's the sight of Matilda and her mate crumbled on the floor with dirt, bruises, and gashes scattered all over their bodies that sent me over the edge.

I could first feel it in my chest, right above my heart. It was changing. I was changing.

"Alpha?" Anthony whispered in agony, laying a hand on my shoulder. He quickly yanked it away with his gray eyes widened, straight dark hair resting on his shoulders. My growl most likely startled him. It was a mistake that he made. Touching me, I mean.

I stare at Anthony with no emotion. Amazing how siblings could look exactly or nothing alike. Just like Anthony, Seth, and Ana. Except they all looked similar. The more I saw Ana in Anthony and Seth the more I fell into memories from the past. The little girl I once saved was growing up. Her brunette hair is now long with the same eyes they have been since I met her; a dark whirlpool of blue a person never could forget.

Don't avoid the situation, it will only make everything worse, I thought bitterly to myself.

"Lil sis, we are so sorry this happened," Derrick said sadly with an angry undertone. Sandy blonde hair falling over his dark blue eyes that always used to capture me.

I wonder when my brothers' arrived? I think absentmindedly. Then again I'm not in the right mind at the moment to pay attention to what's going on around me.

"Leave, or I'll . . . . " Power zipped through my body, cutting me off before I could warn them to stay clear of me.

I jerked and fell to the floor and screamed as she tore through me like a knife through butter.

"Alpha Ronnie, we are not leaving you. We are a pack, a family, and family does not abandon family!" Rosie cries, pixie like hair in a mess, and eyes as blue as flames burning a hole into my soul. She does nothing but hold onto my withering body, tears spilling down her flush face.

"Rosie, get away!" I order forcefully, closing my green and blue eyes. She does. She has no choice but to listen.

Good thing I told her in that exact moment because in the next everything shifted. The surface surrounding me cracked the same time leaves went up and spun round; creating a tornado full of strong wind as I howl to the sky, calling for something. Someone.

"Vincent!" My voice wasn't my own. It became deeper, deadlier.

That wasn't the only thing changing, my hair switched to black in a second as my eyes burned blacker than coal.

Inside my consciousness, I was pushed back into my own little cage, gazing through her eyes. She was out for one thing, and one thing only. Revenge.

'Do not fight me, Elizabeth,' she commands in a quiet voice that only fueled my anger.

'This isn't me. I'm not like you!' I scream in my head, pulling at the restraints she created.

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