Chapter 2 [I FROZE]

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                  Crystal's P.O.V.

I fluttered my eyes trying to open them but they were so heavy. I got up and sat on my bed. My head was banging. I then remembered that I was  lying on the floor yesterday night and now, I was on my bed, I tried to figure out how I got here but I couldn't  think of anything but that wasn't important anymore. The events of last night fled into my mind. My eyes begun to tear up. I felt so dirty and filthy. I hated myself for everything that had happened to me, how could I have allowed him to take advantage of me again. I felt so weak and ashamed of myself, I couldn't even defend myself. What sort of a woman am I. With so much pain and anger, I got up and went straight into the shower I didn't even check the temperature of the water, I just hopped into the cubicle. The water was extremely hot, but I didn't care. I started to scrub my body vigorously, all I wanted to do was to get rid of the filth and the dirt.

The image of him taking advantage of me kept recurring in my mind and i felt so dirty. He was used to doing this to me and I don't know why. I don't understand what it is that I did to him to warrant this treatment. He had made me his punching bag. Everytime he came home and he felt like he wanted to hit something, it'll always be me. I slowly slid down the corner of the cubicle shower and held my hair. I was tired. Tired of being raped, tired of being bitten, tired of being insulted and falsely accused. I can't continue to live like this. I have to do something.

I got out of the shower, took my towel and wrapped it around my body. I applied lotion on my body and after I was done, I went into my closet to pick an outfit. I took my black sweatpants, my black thrasher hoodie and matched them with my black Vans.

I was just done with putting my hair up in a loose ponytail when I heard someone coming in.
I saw Xavier storming into my room. He looked so furious. I knew that I was in for it.  He came and grabbed my arm. He pulled me by force and started to drag me out of my room. He didn't even utter a word and I was beginning to get really scared. He continued to drag me until we got into his office. He then loosened his grip on my hand. My wrist had already scarred. He stared at me and then pushed forward a white envelope and a black pen. I looked at him then looked at the envelope. "Take out the papers inside that envelope and sign them." He said as he sat down.

I took the envelope and opened it. I instantly froze when I read the words written on the front page of the paper, 'Divorce appeal '. I didn't want to believe that my two years of marriage and dedicating myself to this man had come to an end. The little hope that I had of mending our marriage had died that instant. My thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice, " I am going to give you an hour to pack all your clothes and get out of my house".  I considered this as a way of God telling me that the time I had suffered in the hands of this ruthless man has come to an end. Without any hesitation, I took the pen and signed the papers. Without uttering a word, I walked out of his office.

I went into my room and took out all my four huge suitcases. I removed my clothes from my closet and started to stuff all my clothes in all the suitcases. I left one of the suitcase for my shoes, I had alot of shoes and I know that I wasn't going to carry all of them. So as soon as I was done, I took two of my suitcases and started drag them out of my room. They were really heavy and I was really struggling to get them down the staircases. I dragged them into the garage, I opened the door of my car and placed the suitcases into the boot. I then went back into the house to get the rest of my bags.

As I was going out with the last suitcases, I stopped in my tracks when I saw the huge painting that we had bought from a random artist that paints at the beach.  It was a painting of me and Xavier seating down at the beach watching the sunset. I just stared at it with no emotion at all. I took it and went into the bathroom with a lighter, I decided to burn it.

I lit the fire and burnt the painting I stood there and watched it turn into ashes. I took out my wedding ring and threw It into the fire and let it burn. I then went back to struggling with my suitcases on the stairs. As I was nearing the door, someone suddenly opened it, I immediately recognized the person, Veronica, she stood at the entrance and I wasn't ready for any form of confrontation with her. I had to stay strong. I wasn't going to breakdown infront of her. She came close to me and I knew what she was playing at. "Bestie, bestie, bestie, you finally clear the way for me and my dearest Xavie, people really fall from grace to grass, look at how pathetic you look, I don't even know what he saw in you." She laughed and then continued, "I guess he was after your money after all. Looks like your dead and rotten  parents were right after all." Out of instinct, I slapped her very hard that I felt pain on my palm and my wrist, she took two steps back and placed her hand on her right cheek. "Don't you ever in your pathetic life, ever, talk about my parent like that. You know what Veronica, I really pity you." I walked out and I heard her yelling, "I'll sue you for that you barbaric bitch"  I didn't even bother to respond. I went into the garage and placed the rest of the bags in the back seat. I got in the car and started to reverse, I didn't realize that Xavier had stepped out until I saw him pulling into the driveway, I didn't want to see him or talk to him at all so I drove off. I didn't know where to go but I'll definitely figure it out once I am out of here.

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