Chapter 34 [MEMORIES 1]

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            In this chapter and the next, Crystal  is having a series of memories of her life  with Xavier.  


I was so anxious about going home after I got married to Xavier, we had eloped and did a private wedding just the two of us. I wasn't ready to face my mother. I knew that it wasn't going to be good.

I knocked on the door and no one answered. I knocked again and this time round I heard my mother's voice.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming, don't break my door" she yelled.

I chuckled lightly. Minutes later, she opened the door with a wide smile on her face but the smile dropped the minute her eyes met mine.

I saw anger, disappointment, betrayal and  hurt in her eyes. She was carrying so many emotions. I felt bad because I wanted her and my dad to be present at my wedding. Without saying a word, she turned around and walked into the house. She went directly into the kitchen. I knew better than to follow her.

I entered into the house and I spotted my dad. He was seated on the couch with a drink in his hand. His full concentration was on the tv.  Today was one of those days that him and mom  always sat down and watch a football game together even though they support different teams.

"Hey dad" I said and he turned around to look at me. His eyes went from head to toe and stopped where the wedding ring is. He looked at me with disappointment but masked immediately.

"Hey Crystal" well someone's mad. My dad never calls me Crystal. He always addresses me with pet names. 

"So tell me? How was the wedding?" My head dropped because I know that he didn't want to know anything about the wedding. "You know what, don't worry about it. As long as you are happy."

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there. I know that my parents were hurt by what I did, but I couldn't invite the. They both hated Xavier. 

"Come seat here." He tapped on the empty space on the couch. I sat next to him and he hugged me. "It was my dream to walk you down the aisle but your happiness comes first." 

I felt bad for what I did. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Xavier. Maybe I should have told them about the wedding.  "I have to go dad"
He looked at me and nodded. I went outside and found Veronica getting down from my car.

"What were you doing in my car?" She jumped like someone who had just been cought stealing. "I came an saw that you were in the middle of a conversation with your dad and I didn't want to interrupt so I took the keys and I went to see a friend shortly" she looked like she was telling the truth so I didn't question her any further.

"Do you have a ride home or do you want me to drop you off?" She looked at me and walked over to the passengers seat. 

When we were out of my parents house, I peeped out of the window and saw my mom looking at my car through her bedroom window.

"So how did it go with the folks" I kept my head straight on the road trying to push back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"You know how my mom is. She won't talk to me. My dad is hurt by my actions but he said that if I am happy, then that's all that matters to him" by the time I finished that statement, I had already lost control of the tears. Veronica passed me a tissue and I wiped the tears. The rest of the drive to her apartment was silent. She got out of the car and we said our goodbyes and I drove off to my house.

It was dark again. I was lying down at the hospital bed after Xavier had brutality beaten me and he called the ambulance and left. In my heart, I felt like that act was an unspoken apology.

I was in the hospital for a week now and the doctors were refusing to discharged me. I was alone. No one came to visit me. I had made friends with the nurses and the doctors. Doctor Martin took very good care of me. He kept coming in to check on me and one day, he told me something that happened to his mom.

He lost his mother through abuse. His father used to beat up his mom and one day it got out of control and she died before she could get to the hospital. His dad was serving a thirty year jail term for murder. He told me that abusive relationships don't end well. He had told me countless times to get out of that marriage before something bad happened to me but I didn't listen. I was now his regular patient. But I didn't listen to him. I was too stubborn to admit that my marriage had ended.

Two weeks later, I got discharged from the hospital. I was scared to go home. I was afraid that Dr Martin was right. What if I go back and he kills me this time round? But what if he has changed? What if I go back home and he ends up apologizing. Well, let's find out. Doctor Martin called a taxi to take me home.

Hours later, I was back at my house. I went into the kitchen to see if I'll find something to eat. The fridge was empty and the sink was full of dirty dishes. I took the dirty dishes and kept them in the dishwasher. I cleaned the kitchen and after I was done, I went upstairs. I opened my bedroom door. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Xavier infront of me. He was having sex with a girl on our matrimonial bed.   I couldn't stand the sight so I went into my garden. I sat down and cried my eyes off.

Later that night, he threw all my clothes away and kicked me out of my room. I took my clothes and moved into the guest room.

Y'all am sorry for the boring chapter but thank you for reading it ❤️

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