Chapter 42 [TWINS]

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                  CRYSTAL'S POV

My brain was still processing the information that Ares had given me. One thing that had shocked me to the core was Xavier killing my parents. Did he have to go that far? Was it really necessary for him to murder my parents for wealth? There could have been a better way to go about this. He could have just done something else, not killing my parents. Tears made their way down to my cheeks and I couldn't wipe them. I lost the two most important people in my life all because I was too stupid and dumb to realize how dangerous and abusive Xavier was. My parents died because I refused to listen to their warnings.

I had totally forgotten that Sir Barnie, Lorenzo and Ares were in the room with me. "Your are not responsible for their deaths. Xavier is. He killed them, not because it was your fault, but because he was blinded by greed. So stop. Stop it. Whatever happened, happened. You can't turn back time. Everything that happened was supposed to happen no matter what. Remember that you have a mini you in your tummy. You have to be strong, if not for you, do it for your child"  Lorenzo said with genuine concern while holding my hands.

I didn't know what to say. The words that he said hit me hard. He was right. I can't turn back time. I have to accept that Xavier did what he did and I couldn't do anything to stop him. I should really stop blaming myself. It's not healthy for my baby.

Lorenzo sat back down in his plastic chair. I hadn't noticed the change in Lorenzo. He was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants with Yeezy slides and black socks. He looked comfortable in the outfit. You couldn't even tell that he is a selfmade billionaire. He had actually died his hair black, and here I thought that he will never get rid of the blond die. He looks good. "I see someone decided to get a new hair do" I said. They hadn't caught on to the joke until they followed my eyes and they landed on Lorenzo. They all let out small chuckles. Lorenzo threw me a playful glare. "and you just had to put me on the lime light like that" he said and we all erupted into laud laughter.

Minutes passed and we exchanged jokes and stories. I noticed that Ares had warmed up to Lorenzo. I wasn't surprised though. Ares had a way of connecting with genuinely nice and kind people. She attracts positive vibes only and before you could even get her to smile back at you, you must pass what she calls The Noeller Test (TNT). She is very protective of her aura and the type of people she lets into her tiny circle.

Dr Martin walked in on us laughing so hard at something Sir Barnie said. "Hey Crystal, how are you feeling?" He asked "I am good doctor, thanks for asking"  he had a clipboard on his hands and was writing something down. I had been moved from the intensive care unit and now I was in the recovery room. "That's good. Am here to check your vitals and I'll be out" he checked didn't even take long to do so. He spent like ten minutes in here and he was done. When he was going out, he turned around and it's like he had forgotten something and he was trying to remember it. "oh, I almost forgot. We scheduled for an ultrasound at around 2:00pm. We have to check on the baby and see how he/she  is doing. If that's okay with you of course" he said and I was happy. I'll get to see my child on the monitor soon. I can't wait. "Am cool with it doc, thanks"  I was really excited.

Hours passed by so fast. Lorenzo had gone to get us some lunch. He bought everyone a box of pizza. That's when I knew how territorial these people are when it comes to food. Even Sir Barnie didn't want to hear anything about sharing his food. I couldn't believe how much love they had for food. Their presence here had done me so much good. They kept me from my depressed thoughts and kept on reassuring me that everything is going to be okay.

It was now 2:00pm. Dr Martin came in with some nurses and wheeled me to the room where they would perform the ultrasound. I was given a different dress to wear. It was opened on my tummy. One of the nurses helped me out with the dress. I lied on the bed and she covered me from my waist down. When I was done, the nurse left and a middle aged woman walked in. "Hi Crystal, I am Dr Syd and I'll be the one performing the ultrasound. I'll also be your gynecologist" I nodded. "Nice to meet you Dr Syd" I said and responded with a smile. "Can they stay with me?" I asked her looking at Lorenzo, Ares and Sir Barnie. She nodded and said 'of course'. Sir Barnie and Lorenzo looked like they had just won the lottery. Ares was happy too.

  "I will apply the gel on your tummy. It's a little bit cold though." I couldn't see what she was taking but as soon as it touched my tummy, it was cold. The gel was really cold. She had already turned on the monitor. She took something and placed it on my stomach. She rolled it over my whole stomach. I looked at monitor and saw grains. I couldn't see anything clearly. Then I focused and that's when I saw a tiny little head, and hands and legs. But then I saw something else. "What is that?" I asked while pointing on the screen. "That is your second child. You are having twins" she said. Twins? Oh my God, I am having twins. "Do you want to hear their heartbeats?" I nodded and she pressed a certain button. Their heartbeats were not in sync but they were the most comforting sound I have ever heard. I can't believe that I'll be having twins.


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